Sfoglia per Titolo
K index utility as diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in the assessment of patients with suspected Multiple Sclerosis
2022 Cutelle, C; Balducci, C; Cereda, D; Fusco, M; Iacobucci, D; Perugini, J; Pirro, F; Brivio, R; Bernasconi, D; Ferrarese, C; Frigo, M; Cavaletti, G
The K landscapes: A tunably difficult benchmark for genetic programming
2011 Vanneschi, L; Castelli, M; Manzoni, L
K → ππ matrix elements beyond the leading-order chiral expansion
2002 Boucaud, P; Giménez, V; Lin, C; Lubicz, V; Martinelli, G; Papinutto, M; Rapuano, F; Sachrajda, C
K+/neutral amino acid symport of Bombyx mori larval midgut: a system operative in extreme conditions
1998 Giordana, B; Leonardi, M; Casartelli, M; Consonni, P; Parenti, P
The K- π+ S-wave from the D+ → K- π+ π+ decay
2009 Link, J; Yager, P; Anjos, J; Bediaga, I; Castromonte, C; Machado, A; Magnin, J; Massafferri, A; de Miranda, J; Pepe, I; Polycarpo, E; dos Reis, A; Carrillo, S; Cuautle, E; Sanchez-Hernandez, A; Uribe, C; Vazquez, F; Agostino, L; Cinquini, L; Cumalat, J; Frisullo, V; O'Reilly, B; Segoni, I; Stenson, K; Butler, J; Cheung, H; Chiodini, G; Gaines, I; Garbincius, P; Garren, L; Gottschalk, E; Kasper, P; Kreymer, A; Kutschke, R; Wang, M; Benussi, L; Bianco, S; Fabbri, F; Zallo, A; Casimiro, E; Reyes, M; Cawlfield, C; Kim, D; Rahimi, A; Wiss, J; Gardner, R; Kryemadhi, A; Chung, Y; Kang, J; Ko, B; Kwak, J; Lee, K; Cho, K; Park, H; Alimonti, G; Barberis, S; Boschini, M; Cerutti, A; D'Angelo, P; Dicorato, M; Dini, P; Edera, L; Erba, S; Inzani, P; Leveraro, F; Malvezzi, S; Menasce, D; Mezzadri, M; Moroni, L; Pedrini, D; Pontoglio, C; Prelz, F; Rovere, M; Sala, S; Davenport III, T; Arena, V; Boca, G; Bonomi, G; Gianini, G; Liguori, G; Pegna, D; Merlo, M; Pantea, D; Ratti, S; Riccardi, C; Vitulo, P; Gobel, C; Otalora, J; Hernandez, H; Lopez, A; Mendez, H; Paris, A; Quinones, J; Ramirez, J; Zhang, Y; Wilson, J; Handler, T; Mitchell, R; Engh, D; Hosack, M; Johns, W; Luiggi, E; Moore, J; Nehring, M; Sheldon, P; Vaandering, E; Webster, M; Sheaff, M
K-CM: a new artificial neural network. Application to supervised pattern recognition
2014 Buscema, M; Consonni, V; Ballabio, D; Mauri, A; Massini, G; Breda, M; Todeschini, R
K-contractive map (k-cm) for classification
2013 Buscema, M; Ballabio, D; Consonni, V; Massini, G; Breda, M; Fabrizi, M; Mauri, A; Todeschini, R
K-Destabilizing test configurations with smooth central fiber
2011 Arezzo, C; DELLA VEDOVA, A; La Nave, G
K-edge digital subtraction imaging with dichromatic x-ray sources: SNR and dose studies
2006 Sarnelli, A; Elleaume, H; Taibi, A; Gambaccini, M; Bravin, A
K-feldspar hygrochronology
2013 Villa, I; Hanchar, J
K-Means Clustering in Dual Space for Unsupervised Feature Partitioning in Multi-view Learning
2019 Mio, C; Gianini, G; Damiani, E
A k-means procedure based on a Mahalanobis type distance for clustering multivariate functional data
2019 Martino, A; Ghiglietti, A; Ieva, F; Paganoni, A
K-ras activation induces differential sensitivity to sulfur amino acid limitation and deprivation and to oxidative and anti-oxidative stress in mouse fibroblasts
2016 DE SANCTIS, G; Spinelli, M; Vanoni, M; Sacco, E
K-ras cancer cell fate under glucose deprivation is influenced by alteration of bioenergetic metabolism
2013 Palorini, R
K-space image correlation to probe the intracellular dynamics of gold nanoparticles
2016 Bouzin, M; Sironi, L; Chirico, G; D'Alfonso, L; Inverso, D; Pallavicini, P; Collini, M
K-theory of stratified vector bundles
2003 Baues, H; Ferrario, D
K0 production in one-prong τ decays
1994 Buskulic, D; Casper, D; Debonis, I; Decamp, D; Ghez, P; Goy, C; Lees, J; Minard, M; Odier, P; Pietrzyk, B; Ariztizabal, F; Chmeissani, M; Crespo, J; Efthymiopoulos, I; Fernandez, E; Fernandezbosman, M; Gaitan, V; Garrido, L; Martinez, M; Mattison, T; Orteu, S; Pacheco, A; Padilla, C; Pascual, A; Teubert, F; Creanza, D; Depalma, M; Farilla, A; Iaselli, G; Maggi, G; Marinelli, N; Natali, S; Nuzzo, S; Ranieri, A; Raso, G; Romano, F; Ruggieri, F; Selvaggi, G; Silvestris, L; Tempesta, P; Zito, G; Chai, Y; Huang, D; Huang, X; Lin, J; Wang, T; Xie, Y; Xu, D; Xu, R; Zhang, J; Zhang, L; Zhao, W; Blucher, E; Bonvicini, G; Boudreau, J; Comas, P; Coyle, P; Drevermann, H; Forty, R; Ganis, G; Gay, C; Girone, M; Hagelberg, R; Harvey, J; Jacobsen, R; Jost, B; Knobloch, J; Lehraus, I; Maggi, M; Markou, C; Mato, P; Meinhard, H; Minten, A; Miquel, R; Palazzi, P; Pater, J; Perlas, J; Perrodo, P; Pusztaszeri, J; Ranjard, F; Rolandi, L; Rothberg, J; Ruan, T; Saich, M; Schlatter, D; Schmelling, M; Sefkow, F; Tejessy, W; Tomalin, I; Veenhof, R; Wachsmuth, H; Wasserbaech, S; Wiedenmann, W; Wildish, T; Witzeling, W; Wotschack, J; Ajaltouni, Z; Bardadinotwinowska, M; Barres, A; Boyer, C; Falvard, A; Gay, P; Guicheney, C; Henrard, P; Jousset, J; Michel, B; Montret, J; Pallin, D; Perret, P; Podlyski, F; Proriol, J; Saadi, F; Fearnley, T; Hansen, J; Hansen, J; Hansen, J; Hansen, P; Johnson, S; Mollerud, R; Nilsson, B; Kyriakis, A; Simopoulou, E; Siotis, I; Vayaki, A; Zachariadou, K; Badier, J; Blondel, A; Bonneaud, G; Brient, J; Bourdon, P; Fouque, G; Passalacqua, L; Rouge, A; Rumpf, M; Tanaka, R; Verderi, M; Videau, H; Candlin, D; Parsons, M; Veitch, E; Focardi, E; Moneta, L; Parrini, G; Corden, M; Delfino, M; Georgiopoulos, C; Jaffe, D; Levinthal, D; Antonelli, A; Bencivenni, G; Bologna, G; Bossi, F; Campana, P; Capon, G; Cerutti, F; Chiarella, V; Felici, G; Laurelli, P; Mannocchi, G; Murtas, F; Murtas, G; Pepealtarelli, M; Salomone, S; Colrain, P; Tenhave, I; Knowles, I; Lynch, J; Maitland, W; Morton, W; Raine, C; Reeves, P; Scarr, J; Smith, K; Smith, M; Thompson, A; Thorn, S; Turnbull, R; Becker, U; Braun, O; Geweniger, C; Hanke, P; Hepp, V; Kluge, E; Putzer, A; Rensch, B; Schmidt, M; Stenzel, H; Tittel, K; Wunsch, M; Beuselinck, R; Binnie, D; Cameron, W; Cattaneo, M; Colling, D; Dornan, P; Hassard, J; Konstantinidis, N; Moutoussi, A; Nash, J; Payne, D; Sanmartin, G; Sedgbeer, J; Wright, A; Girtler, P; Kuhn, D; Rudolph, G; Vogl, R; Bowdery, C; Brodbeck, T; Finch, A; Foster, F; Hughes, G; Jackson, D; Keemer, N; Nuttall, M; Patel, A; Sloan, T; Snow, S; Whelan, E; Galla, A; Greene, A; Kleinknecht, K; Raab, J; Renk, B; Sander, H; Schmidt, H; Walther, S; Wanke, R; Wolf, B; Bencheikh, A; Benchouk, C; Bonissent, A; Calvet, D; Carr, J; Diaconu, C; Etienne, F; Nicod, D; Payre, P; Roos, L; Rousseau, D; Schwemling, P; Talby, M; Adlung, S; Assmann, R; Bauer, C; Blum, W; Brown, D; Cattaneo, P; Dehning, B; Dietl, H; Dydak, F; Frank, M; Halley, A; Jakobs, K; Kroha, H; Lauber, J; Lutjens, G; Lutz, G; Manner, W; Moser, H; Richter, R; Schroder, J; Schwarz, A; Settles, R; Seywerd, H; Stierlin, U; Stiegler, U; Stdenis, R; Wolf, G; Alemany, R; Boucrot, J; Callot, O; Cordier, A; Davier, M; Duflot, L; Grivaz, J; Heusse, P; Janot, P; Kim, D; Lediberder, F; Lefrancois, J; Lutz, A; Musolino, G; Park, H; Schune, M; Veillet, J; Videau, I; Abbaneo, D; Bagliesi, G; Batignani, G; Bottigli, U; Bozzi, C; Calderini, G; Carpinelli, M; Ciocci, M; Ciulli, V; Dellorso, R; Ferrante, I; Fidecaro, F; Foa, L; Forti, F; Giassi, A; Giorgi, M; Gregorio, A; Ligabue, F; Lusiani, A; Marrocchesi, P; Martin, E; Messineo, A; Palla, F; Rizzo, G; Sanguinetti, G; Spagnolo, P; Steinberger, J; Tenchini, R; Tonelli, G; Triggiani, G; Valassi, A; Vannini, C; Venturi, A; Verdini, P; Walsh, J; Betteridge, A; Gao, Y; Green, M; Johnson, D; March, P; Medcalf, T; Mir, L; Quazi, I; Strong, J; Bertin, V; Botterill, D; Clifft, R; Edgecock, T; Haywood, S; Edwards, M; Norton, P; Thompson, J; Blochdevaux, B; Colas, P; Duarte, H; Emery, S; Kozanecki, W; Lancon, E; Lemaire, M; Locci, E; Marx, B; Perez, P; Rander, J; Renardy, J; Rosowsky, A; Roussarie, A; Schuller, J; Schwindling, J; Mohand, D; Vallage, B; Johnson, R; Litke, A; Taylor, G; Wear, J; Beddall, A; Booth, C; Cartwright, S; Combley, F; Dawson, I; Koksal, A; Rankin, C; Thompson, L; Bohrer, A; Brandt, S; Cowan, G; Feigl, E; Grupen, C; Lutters, G; Minguetrodriguez, J; Rivera, F; Saraiva, P; Schafer, U; Smolik, L; Bosisio, L; Dellamarina, R; Giannini, G; Gobbo, B; Pitis, L; Ragusa, F; Bellantoni, L; Chen, W; Conway, J; Feng, Z; Ferguson, D; Gao, Y; Grahl, J; Harton, J; Hayes, O; Hu, H; Nachtman, J; Pan, Y; Saadi, Y; Schmitt, M; Scott, I; Sharma, V; Turk, J; Walsh, A; Weber, F; Wu, S; Wu, X; Yamartino, J; Zheng, M; Zobernig, G
K0S production in τ decays
1998 Barate, R; Buskulic, D; Decamp, D; Ghez, P; Goy, C; Lees, J; Lucotte, A; Minard, M; Nief, J; Pietrzyk, B; Boix, G; Casado, M; Chmeissani, M; Crespo, J; Delfino, M; Fernandez, E; Fernandez Bosman, M; Garrido, L; Grauges, E; Juste, A; Martinez, M; Merino, G; Miquel, R; Mir, L; Park, I; Pascual, A; Perlas, J; Riu, I; Sanchez, F; Colaleo, A; Creanza, D; de Palma, M; Gelao, G; Iaselli, G; Maggi, G; Maggi, M; Nuzzo, S; Ranieri, A; Raso, G; Ruggieri, F; Selvaggi, G; Silvestris, L; Tempesta, P; Tricomi, A; Zito, G; Huang, X; Lin, J; Ouyang, Q; Wang, T; Xie, Y; Xu, R; Xue, S; Zhang, J; Zhang, L; Zhao, W; Abbaneo, D; Alemany, R; Becker, U; Bright Thomas, P; Casper, D; Cattaneo, M; Cerutti, F; Ciulli, V; Dissertori, G; Drevermann, H; Forty, R; Frank, M; Hagelberg, R; Hansen, J; Harvey, J; Janot, P; Jost, B; Lehraus, I; Mato, P; Minten, A; Moneta, L; Pacheco, A; Pusztaszeri, J; Ranjard, F; Rolandi, L; Rousseau, D; Schlatter, D; Schmitt, M; Schneider, O; Tejessy, W; Teubert, F; Tomalin, I; Wachsmuth, H; Wagner, A; Ajaltouni, Z; Badaud, F; Chazelle, G; Deschamps, O; Falvard, A; Ferdi, C; Gay, P; Guicheney, C; Henrard, P; Jousset, J; Michel, B; Monteil, S; Montret, J; Pallin, D; Perret, P; Podlyski, F; Proriol, J; Rosnet, P; Fearnley, T; Hansen, J; Hansen, J; Hansen, P; Nilsson, B; Rensch, B; Waananen, A; Daskalakis, G; Kyriakis, A; Markou, C; Simopoulou, E; Siotis, I; Vayaki, A; Blondel, A; Bonneaud, G; Brient, J; Bourdon, P; Rouge, A; Rumpf, M; Valassi, A; Verderi, M; Videau, H; Boccali, T; Focardi, E; Parrini, G; Zachariadou, K; Corden, M; Georgiopoulos, C; Jaffe, D; Antonelli, A; Bencivenni, G; Bologna, G; Bossi, F; Campana, P; Capon, G; Chiarella, V; Felici, G; Laurelli, P; Mannocchi, G; Murtas, F; Murtas, G; Passalacqua, L; Pepe Altarelli, M; Salomone, S; Curtis, L; Dorris, S; Halley, A; Lynch, J; Negus, P; O'Shea, V; Raine, C; Scarr, J; Smith, K; Teixeira Dias, P; Thompson, A; Thomson, E; Thomson, F; Buchmuller, O; Dhamotharan, S; Geweniger, A; Graefe, G; Hanke, P; Hansper, G; Hepp, V; Kluge, E; Putzer, A; Sommer, J; Tittel, K; Werner, S; Wunsch, M; Beuselinck, R; Binnie, D; Cameron, W; Dornan, P; Girone, M; Goodsir, S; Martin, E; Marinelli, N; Moutoussi, A; Nash, J; Sedgbeer, J; Spagnolo, P; Williams, M; Ghete, V; Girtler, P; Kneringer, E; Kuhn, D; Rudolph, G; Betteridge, A; Bowdery, C; Buck, P; Colrain, P; Crawford, G; Finch, A; Foster, F; Hughes, G; Jones, R; Williams, M; Giehl, I; Greene, A; Hoffmann, C; Jakobs, K; Kleinknecht, K; Quast, G; Renk, B; Rohne, E; Sander, H; van Gemmeren, P; Zeitnitz, C; Aubert, J; Benchouk, C; Bonissent, A; Bujosa, G; Carr, J; Coyle, P; Etienne, F; Leroy, O; Motsch, F; Payre, P; Talby, M; Sadouki, A; Thulasidas, M; Trabelsi, K; Aleppo, M; Antonelli, M; Ragusa, F; Berlich, R; Blum, W; Buscher, V; Dietl, H; Ganis, G; Gotzhein, C; Kroha, H; Lutjens, G; Lutz, G; Mannert, C; Manner, W; Moser, H; Richter, R; Rosado Schlosser, A; Schael, S; Settles, R; Seywerd, H; Stenzel, H; Wiedenmann, W; Wolf, G; Boucrot, J; Callot, O; Chen, S; Choi, Y; Cordier, Y; Davier, M; Duflot, L; Grivaz, J; Heusse, P; Hocker, A; Jacholkowska, A; Kim, D; Le Diberder, F; Lefrancois, J; Lutz, A; Nikolic, L; Schune, M; Tournefier, E; Veillet, J; Videau, I; Zerwas, D; Azzurri, P; Bagliesi, G; Batignani, G; Bettarini, S; Bozzi, C; Calderini, G; Carpinelli, M; Ciocci, M; Dell'Orso, R; Fantechi, R; Ferrante, I; Foa, L; Forti, F; Giassi, A; Giorgi, M; Gregorio, A; Ligabue, F; Lusiani, A; Marrocchesi, P; Messineo, A; Palla, F; Rizzo, G; Sanguinetti, G; Sciaba, A; Steinberger, J; Tenchini, R; Tonelli, G; Vannini, C; Venturi, A; Verdini, P; Blair, G; Bryant, L; Chambers, J; Green, M; Medcalf, T; Perrodo, P; Strong, J; von Wimmersperg Toeller, J; Botterill, D; Clifft, R; Edgecock, T; Haywood, S; Norton, P; Thompson, J; Wright, A; Bloch Devaux, B; Colas, P; Emery, S; Kozanecki, W; Lancon, E; Lemaire, M; Locci, E; Perez, P; Rander, J; Renardy, J; Roussarie, A; Schuller, J; Schwindling, J; Trabelsi, A; Vallage, B; Black, S; Dann, J; Johnson, R; Kim, H; Konstantinidis, N; Litke, A; Mcneil, M; Taylor, G; Booth, C; Brew, C; Cartwright, S; Combley, F; Kelly, M; Lehto, M; Reeve, J; Thompson, L; Affholderbach, K; Bohrer, A; Brandt, S; Cowan, G; Grupen, C; Saraiva, P; Smolik, L; Stephan, F; Apollonio, M; Bosisio, L; Della Marina, R; Giannini, G; Gobbo, B; Musolino, G; Rothberg, J; Wasserbaech, S; Armstrong, S; Charles, E; Elmer, P; Ferguson, D; Gao, Y; Gonzalez, S; Greening, T; Hayes, O; Hu, H; Jin, S; Mcnamara, P; Nachtman, J; Nielsen, J; Orejudos, W; Pan, Y; Saadi, Y; Scott, I; Walsh, J; Wu, S; Wu, X; Yamartino, J; Zobernig, G
Ka wahine 'ai honua, la donna che divora la terra: un’analisi eco-antropologica del mito di Pele
2019 Borgnino, E
Kabuki syndrome [La sindrome kabuki]
2017 Cianci, P; Bettini, L; Selicorni, A
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