Food for (political) thought: exploring the factors associated with making political inferences from apolitical cues in Italy
In corso di stampa Scaduto, G; Negri, F
Gender roles, perspectives, and issue attention in the Italian political twitterverse. An analysis of politicians’ network and top-down communication
2024 Decadri, S; Negri, F
Playing populist: the relationship of convenience between populist language and demarcationist ideological positions in the Italian parliament (1948-2020)
2024 Decadri, S; Negri, F
Causality in Policy Studies. A Pluralist Toolbox
2023 Damonte, A; Negri, F
Conclusions. Causality Between Plurality and Unity
2023 Damonte, A; Negri, F
Correlation Is Not Causation, Yet… Matching and Weighting for Better Counterfactuals
2023 Negri, F
Disentangling (new) labour market divides: outsiders’ and globalization losers’ socio-economic risks in Europe
2023 Natili, M; Negri, F
Food for (political) thought: exploring the relationship between affective polarization and political inferences from apolitical cues
2023 Scaduto, G; Negri, F
Food for (political) thought: investigating factors and behaviors associated with political inferences from apolitical cues in Italy
2023 Scaduto, G; Negri, F
Introduction: The Elephant of Causation and the Blind Sages
2023 Damonte, A; Negri, F
Populismo in Rete. Un’analisi della comunicazione dei politici italiani.
2023 Ceron, A; Decadri, S; Negri, F
The Gender Gap in Issue Attention and Language Use within a Legislative Setting: An Application to the Italian Parliament (1948–2020)
2023 Curini, L; Decadri, S; Ferrara, A; Montanelli, S; Negri, F; Periti, F
Widening double dualisation? Labour market inequalities and national social policy responses in Western Europe during the first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic.
2023 Natili, M; Negri, F; Ronchi, S
Validating Vector-Label Propagation for Graph Embedding
2022 Bellandi, V; Damiani, E; Ghirimoldi, V; Maghool, S; Negri, F
Common currency, common identity? The impact of the Euro introduction on European identity
2021 Negri, F; Nicoli, F; Kuhn, T
La fatica della politica : L'irto sentiero dalla rappresentanza al risultato
2021 Negri, F
Looking for twins: how to build better counterfactuals with matching
2021 Costalli, S; Negri, F
Partisan influence on social and labor market policies in the Silver Age of welfare state retrenchment: evidences from 19 OECD countries
2021 Negri, F
The fiscally moderate Italian populist voter: evidence from a survey experiment
2020 Franchino, F; Negri, F
Economic or cultural backlash? Rethinking outsiders’ voting behavior
2019 Negri, F