M1 Large-scale Network Dynamics Support Human Motor Resonance and Its Plastic Reshaping
2025 Guidali, G; Arrigoni, E; Bolognini, N; Pisoni, A
Enhanced mind–matter interactions? A commentary to Freedman et al., 2023
2024 Pisoni, A; Arrigoni, E; Bolognini, N; Guidali, G; Romero Lauro, L; Vergallito, A
Investigating visuo-tactile mirror properties in borderline personality disorder: A TMS-EEG study
2024 Zazio, A; Lanza, C; Stango, A; Guidali, G; Marcantoni, E; Lucarelli, D; Meloni, S; Bolognini, N; Rossi, R; Bortoletto, M
Minimal detectable change of gait and balance measures in older neurological patients: estimating the standard error of the measurement from before-after rehabilitation data thanks to the linear mixed-effects models
2024 Caronni, A; Picardi, M; Scarano, S; Rota, V; Guidali, G; Bolognini, N; Corbo, M
The Past, Present, and Future of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)
2024 Poldrack, R; Markiewicz, C; Appelhoff, S; Ashar, Y; Auer, T; Baillet, S; Bansal, S; Beltrachini, L; Benar, C; Bertazzoli, G; Bhogawar, S; Blair, R; Bortoletto, M; Boudreau, M; Brooks, T; Calhoun, V; Castelli, F; Clement, P; Cohen, A; Cohen-Adad, J; D'Ambrosio, S; de Hollander, G; de la Iglesia-Vayá, M; de la Vega, A; Delorme, A; Devinsky, O; Draschkow, D; Duff, E; Dupre, E; Earl, E; Esteban, O; Feingold, F; Flandin, G; Galassi, A; Gallitto, G; Ganz, M; Gau, R; Gholam, J; Ghosh, S; Giacomel, A; Gillman, A; Gleeson, P; Gramfort, A; Guay, S; Guidali, G; Halchenko, Y; Handwerker, D; Hardcastle, N; Herholz, P; Hermes, D; Honey, C; Innis, R; Ioanas, H; Jahn, A; Karakuzu, A; Keator, D; Kiar, G; Kincses, B; Laird, A; Lau, J; Lazari, A; Legarreta, J; Li, A; Li, X; Love, B; Lu, H; Marcantoni, E; Maumet, C; Mazzamuto, G; Meisler, S; Mikkelsen, M; Mutsaerts, H; Nichols, T; Nikolaidis, A; Nilsonne, G; Niso, G; Norgaard, M; Okell, T; Oostenveld, R; Ort, E; Park, P; Pawlik, M; Pernet, C; Pestilli, F; Petr, J; Phillips, C; Poline, J; Pollonini, L; Raamana, P; Ritter, P; Rizzo, G; Robbins, K; Rockhill, A; Rogers, C; Rokem, A; Rorden, C; Routier, A; Saborit-Torres, J; Salo, T; Schirner, M; Smith, R; Spisak, T; Sprenger, J; Swann, N; Szinte, M; Takerkart, S; Thirion, B; Thomas, A; Torabian, S; Varoquaux, G; Voytek, B; Welzel, J; Wilson, M; Yarkoni, T; Gorgolewski, K
Deepening the neurophysiological underpinnings of a visuo-motor paired associative stimulation (PAS) protocol through TMS-EEG coregistration
2023 Guidali, G; Arrigoni, E; Bolognini, N; Pisoni, A
Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) current direction and pulse waveform on cortico‐cortical connectivity: A registered report TMS‐EEG study
2023 Guidali, G; Zazio, A; Lucarelli, D; Marcantoni, E; Stango, A; Barchiesi, G; Bortoletto, M
Exploring motor resonance for complex movements: the social relevance and temporal constraints
2023 Franca, M; Guidali, G; Picardi, M; Caronni, A; Bolognini, N
G(r)asp! Deepening timing dependency, muscle specificity, and target stimulus of motor resonance for complex movements
2023 Guidali, G; Picardi, M; Franca, M; Bolognini, N
Influence of frontal-to-parietal connectivity in pseudoneglect: A cortico-cortical paired associative stimulation study
2023 Guidali, G; Bagattini, C; De Matola, M; Brignani, D
Modulating motor resonance with paired associative stimulation: Neurophysiological and behavioral outcomes
2023 Guidali, G; Picardi, M; Gramegna, C; Bolognini, N
The social relevance and the temporal constraints of motor resonance in humans
2023 Guidali, G; Picardi, M; Franca, M; Caronni, A; Bolognini, N
Unveiling the neurophysiological substrates of a visuo-motor paired associative stimulation protocol: a TMS-EEG study
2023 Guidali, G; Arrigoni, E; Bolognini, N; Pisoni, A
Impact of virtual embodiment on motor resonance after a Mirror-PAS protocol
2022 Frisco, F; Matamala Gomez, M; Guidali, G; Lega, C; Bolognini, N; Maravita, A
Cross-modal plasticity in sensory-motor cortices and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques: new ways to explore and modulate brain plasticity
2021 Guidali, G
Modulating Frontal Networks’ Timing-Dependent-Like Plasticity With Paired Associative Stimulation Protocols: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives
2021 Guidali, G; Roncoroni, C; Bolognini, N
Paired associative stimulations: Novel tools for interacting with sensory and motor cortical plasticity
2021 Guidali, G; Roncoroni, C; Bolognini, N
Targeting Default Mode Network Dysfunction in Persons at Risk of Alzheimer's Disease with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (NEST4AD): Rationale and Study Design
2021 Pievani, M; Mega, A; Quattrini, G; Guidali, G; Ferrari, C; Cattaneo, A; D'Aprile, I; Mascaro, L; Gasparotti, R; Corbo, D; Brignani, D; Bortoletto, M
Cross-modal involvement of the primary somatosensory cortex in visual Working Memory: a repetitive TMS study
2020 Guidali, G; Roncoroni, C; Papagno, C; Bolognini, N
Cross-modal paired associative stimulation induces Hebbian plasticity through predictive coding mechanisms
2020 Maddaluno, O; Guidali, G; Zazio, A; Miniussi, C; Bolognini, N