A systematic review and meta-analysis of nutritional and dietary interventions in randomized controlled trials for skin symptoms in children with atopic dermatitis and without food allergy: An EAACI task force report
2024 Vassilopoulou, E; Comotti, A; Douladiris, N; Konstantinou, G; Zuberbier, T; Alberti, I; Agostoni, C; Bernicanani, R; Bocsan, I; Corsello, A; Decosmi, V; Feketea, G; Laitinen, K; Mazzocchi, A; Monzani, N; Papadopoulos, N; Peroni, D; Pitsios, C; Roth-Walter, F; Skypala, I; Tsabouri, S; Baldeh, A; O'Mahony, L; Venter, C; Milani, G
Exploring workability in an older working population: associations with cognitive functioning, sleep quality, and technostress
2024 Fattori, A; Comotti, A; Barnini, T; Di Tecco, C; Laurino, M; Bufano, P; Ciocan, C; Serra, D; Ferrari, L; Bonzini, M
Rethinking students’ mental health assessment through GHQ-12: evidence from the IRT approach
2024 Comotti, A; Barnini, T; Fattori, A; Paladino, M; Riva, M; Bonzini, M; Belingheri, M
The effects of work on cognitive functions: a systematic review
2024 Bufano, P; Di Tecco, C; Fattori, A; Barnini, T; Comotti, A; Ciocan, C; Ferrari, L; Mastorci, F; Laurino, M; Bonzini, M
Childhood fever and medical students: A multicentre, educational intervention
2023 Milani, G; Corsello, A; Schulz, P; Fadda, M; Gianni, M; Alberti, I; Comotti, A; Marchisio, P; Chiappini, E; Peroni, D
Psychometric Evaluation of GHQ-12 as a Screening Tool for Psychological Impairment of Healthcare Workers Facing COVID-19 Pandemic
2023 Comotti, A; Fattori, A; Greselin, F; Bordini, L; Brambilla, P; Bonzini, M
Assessing psychometric scales through IRT-based modelling with application to COVID-19 data
2022 Comotti, A
Robustifying the Rasch model with the forward search
2022 Comotti, A; Greselin, F
Hospital workers mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: methods of data collection and characteristics of study sample in a university hospital in Milan (Italy)
2021 Fattori, A; Cantu, F; Comotti, A; Tombola, V; Colombo, E; Nava, C; Bordini, L; Riboldi, L; Bonzini, M; Brambilla, P