Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.187
NA - Nord America 3.088
AS - Asia 1.623
AF - Africa 253
OC - Oceania 65
SA - Sud America 37
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 9.254
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.007
IT - Italia 2.046
DE - Germania 531
GB - Regno Unito 397
SG - Singapore 354
IR - Iran 271
SE - Svezia 265
RU - Federazione Russa 195
CN - Cina 186
IE - Irlanda 177
FR - Francia 118
HK - Hong Kong 115
IN - India 114
ZA - Sudafrica 107
NL - Olanda 106
ID - Indonesia 87
SA - Arabia Saudita 80
CA - Canada 70
AU - Australia 60
TR - Turchia 56
VN - Vietnam 48
PK - Pakistan 44
KR - Corea 43
FI - Finlandia 38
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 37
GR - Grecia 37
PH - Filippine 35
EG - Egitto 33
RO - Romania 30
DK - Danimarca 28
ES - Italia 27
KE - Kenya 26
NG - Nigeria 26
UA - Ucraina 25
BD - Bangladesh 24
CH - Svizzera 24
AT - Austria 19
BE - Belgio 18
BR - Brasile 18
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 18
JP - Giappone 16
PL - Polonia 16
UZ - Uzbekistan 16
IL - Israele 15
MY - Malesia 14
DZ - Algeria 13
PT - Portogallo 11
HU - Ungheria 10
NO - Norvegia 10
RS - Serbia 9
IQ - Iraq 8
AZ - Azerbaigian 7
ET - Etiopia 7
GH - Ghana 7
PE - Perù 7
TW - Taiwan 7
TZ - Tanzania 7
CL - Cile 6
LK - Sri Lanka 6
MA - Marocco 6
MM - Myanmar 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
BG - Bulgaria 5
HR - Croazia 5
KW - Kuwait 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 5
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 4
BY - Bielorussia 4
CO - Colombia 4
LT - Lituania 4
TH - Thailandia 4
ZW - Zimbabwe 4
CM - Camerun 3
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 3
MT - Malta 3
NP - Nepal 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
TG - Togo 3
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 3
AW - Aruba 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MN - Mongolia 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
SC - Seychelles 2
SL - Sierra Leone 2
SN - Senegal 2
TN - Tunisia 2
ZM - Zambia 2
AR - Argentina 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
EU - Europa 1
GE - Georgia 1
JO - Giordania 1
LB - Libano 1
MP - Marianne Settentrionali, isole 1
MQ - Martinica 1
MX - Messico 1
PG - Papua Nuova Guinea 1
Totale 9.250
Città #
Ann Arbor 760
Milan 429
Frankfurt am Main 339
Singapore 304
Chandler 218
Fairfield 163
Dublin 152
Wilmington 148
New York 131
Houston 122
Ashburn 117
Santa Clara 114
Hong Kong 110
Rome 97
Woodbridge 70
Princeton 69
Seattle 65
Shanghai 56
Dearborn 49
Cambridge 40
Jakarta 40
Munich 35
Helsinki 32
Padova 30
Giussano 29
Bari 25
Sydney 25
Varedo 23
Barzanò 22
Boardman 22
Napoli 22
Lawrence 21
Naples 21
Dong Ket 20
Los Angeles 20
Altamura 19
Guangzhou 19
Johannesburg 19
Monza 19
Nanjing 19
Amsterdam 18
Beijing 18
Jacksonville 18
San Diego 18
Tehran 18
London 17
Seveso 16
Turin 16
Vedano al Lambro 15
Bologna 14
Chicago 14
Paris 14
Romola 13
Brescia 12
Pretoria 12
Toronto 12
Vienna 12
Cagliari 11
Catania 11
Sacramento 11
Salem 11
Sesto San Giovanni 11
Washington 11
Andover 10
Florence 10
Groningen 10
Hamburg 10
Melbourne 10
Nairobi 10
Phoenix 10
Riyadh 10
Soncino 10
Southwark 10
São Paulo 10
Verona 10
Athens 9
Berlin 9
Bristol 9
Karaj 9
Busan 8
Dallas 8
Delhi 8
Fargo 8
Fremont 8
Genoa 8
Manchester 8
Nuremberg 8
Palermo 8
Palombara Sabina 8
Stezzano 8
Torino 8
Brno 7
Durban 7
Jeddah 7
Livorno 7
Montreal 7
Mulhouse 7
Ottawa 7
Pune 7
Redmond 7
Totale 4.673
Nome #
Pornography consumption and preferences in Transgender and Non-binary Individuals 2.069
Transgender Health: A Minority Stress Perspective On The Clinical Work With Transgender Individuals 447
Sex in transition: From the medicalisation of transgender sexuality to the centrality of pleasure 355
Alleatə: Voci trans a dialogo con la psicologia 351
Facing transgender and cisgender patients: The influence of the client’s experienced gender and gender identity on clinical evaluation 272
From Absence of Microaggressions to Seeing Authentic Gender: Transgender Clients’ Experiences with Microaffirmations in Therapy 260
Maladaptive personality traits, defense mechanisms and trans-negative attitudes 252
Sexual Fantasy in Cisgender, Transgender and Non-Binary People 229
Narcissistic Personality Traits and Sexual Satisfaction in Men: The Role of Sexual Self-Esteem 221
Using smartphone apps to find sexual partners: a review of the literature 221
Gender Dysphoria and Sexual Well-Being Among Trans Masculine and Nonbinary Individuals 217
Sexual Satisfaction in Trans Masculine and Nonbinary Individuals: A Qualitative Investigation 213
Trans- e omonegatività nei professionisti della salute mentale 198
Sexual fantasy across gender identity: a qualitative investigation of differences between cisgender and non-binary people’s imagery 196
Sexual fantasy of cisgender and nonbinary individuals: a quantitative study 191
Gender dysphoria in adolescence: parental representations 187
Personality Disorders and Personality Profiles in a Sample of Transgender Individuals Requesting Gender-Affirming Treatments 170
“Being Talked to Like I Was a Sex Toy, Like Being Transgender Was Simply for the Enjoyment of Someone Else”: Fetishization and Sexualization of Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals 165
L’utilizzo di app per incontri nella popolazione genderqueer: esperienze, vissuti e motivazioni [The use of dating applications among genderqueer individuals: Experiences, emotions and motives] 157
What Constitutes Sexual Dissatisfaction for Trans Masculine and Nonbinary Individuals: A Qualitative Study 150
The effects of transphobic prejudice in clinical practice 141
“You look good, I would never tell you are trans!”: A Narrative Review on Microaggressions against Transgender People 138
Narcissistic Personality Traits and Sexual Dysfunction in Women: the Role of Body Image Self-Consciousness (Poster Presentation) 135
Microaggressions towards lesbian and transgender women: Biased information gathering when working alongside gender and sexual minorities 134
Identity Values of Chosen Names in Transgender and Non-Binary Youth: A Qualitative Investigation 133
Trans Masculinity: Comparing Trans Masculine Individuals’ and Cisgender Men’s Conformity to Hegemonic Masculinity 133
“We’ll Accept Anything, as Long as She Is Okay”: Italian Parents’ Narratives of Their Transgender Children’s Coming-out 132
Homo- and Trans-Negative Attitudes in Clinical Psychologists and Psychoterapists 127
Structural Stigma and Bisexual + People: Effects of the Rejection of the Zan Bill in Italy on Minority Stress and Mental Health 124
Sexuality before and after gender confirming surgery 110
“There is No One Way to Be Transgender and to Live Sex”: Transgender and Non-Binary Individuals’ Experiences with Pornography 108
"How do you feel about your sexuality?". Microaggressions towards Lesbian and Trans Women in Clinical Setting 107
Un'indagine sulla casistica di pazienti che si rivolgono a un centro di riferimento per la disforia di genere 104
“We Faced Every Change Together”. Couple’s Intimacy and Sexuality Experiences from the Perspectives of Transgender and Non-Binary Individuals’ Partners 99
Resisting Trans Medicalization: Body Satisfaction and Social Contextual Factors as Predictors of Sexual Experiences among Trans Feminine and Nonbinary Individuals 97
“I Use All the Parts I’m Given”: A Qualitative Investigation of Trans Masculine and Nonbinary Individuals’ Use of Body during Sex 88
A tutti (i binari) piace essere un oggetto del desiderio altrui 85
Narcissistic personality traits and sexual dysfunction in women: The role of body image self-consciousness 83
“He Helped Me in Discovering Myself.” Rethinking and Exploring Sexual and Gender Identity in Trans-Inclusive Relationships 83
Desire for Genital Surgery in Trans Masculine Individuals: The Role of Internalized Transphobia, Transnormativity and Trans Positive Identity 80
Narcissistic Personality Traits and Sexual Dysfunction in Women: The Role of Body Image Self-Consciousness 80
Reimagining masculinity: models of masculinities in Italian cisgender and transgender emerging adults 77
Men’s sexual distress: the role of body image and vulnerable narcissistic traits 76
Social and Psychological Correlates of Transphobia 60
Experiences related to the body, intimacy, and sexuality in intersex individuals (invited speaker) 53
A Networked Model of Ecological Systems Theory to Discuss Concerns in Italian Bisexual+ and Transgender People After the Block of the “Zan Bill” by Senate 52
Sex in transition 51
From Abstinence to Deviance: Sexual Stereotypes Associated With Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals 46
The use of sex toys in trans and nonbinary individuals’ sexuality 45
Exploring Transgender and Non-Binary Engagement with Sex Tech: A Narrative Review 45
Parental perspectives on fertility preservation for their trans and gender-expansive children: Reflections on complexities of autonomy, support, and societal realities 36
Experiences related to the body, intimacy, and sexuality in intersex individuals 35
I correlati neurali dell’Action Observation Treatment in bambini con Paralisi Cerebrale Infantile 34
Reimagining Masculinity: Models of Masculinities in Italian Cisgender and Transgender Emerging Adults 33
“Your stress is mine too”: a qualitative exploration of couple-level minority stress in trans-inclusive couples 29
Navigating Role Models: Shaping Masculine Identity Among Transmasculine and Cisgender Emerging Adults 22
Nonbinary people living in a binary world: Minority stress in public and gendered places 20
Totale 9.556
Categoria #
all - tutte 27.428
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 27.428

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020389 0 0 0 0 0 101 54 26 44 66 71 27
2020/20211.151 29 96 103 73 115 95 133 121 92 80 85 129
2021/2022851 87 64 97 122 55 77 27 58 47 31 105 81
2022/20231.423 120 302 108 136 112 208 74 78 87 60 51 87
2023/20243.087 74 83 97 130 175 302 270 302 335 427 540 352
2024/20252.076 466 507 405 270 255 173 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.556