I'm the same, I'm the same, I'm trying to change: Investigating the role of human information behavior in view change
2024 Mckay, D; Makri, S; Gutierrez-Lopez, M; Porlezza, C; Macfarlane, A; Cooper, G; Missaoui, S
A Question of Design: Strategies for Embedding AI-Driven Tools into Journalistic Work Routines
2023 Gutierrez Lopez, M; Porlezza, C; Cooper, G; Makri, S; Macfarlane, A; Missaoui, S
Semantic Data Augmentation for Deep Learning Testing Using Generative AI
2023 Missaoui, S; Gerasimou, S; Matragkas, N
Interactive storytelling for children: A case-study of design and development considerations for ethical conversational AI
2022 Chubb, J; Missaoui, S; Concannon, S; Maloney, L; Walker, J
Making newsworthy news: The integral role of creativity and verification in the human information behavior that drives news story creation
2022 Gutierrez Lopez, M; Makri, S; Macfarlane, A; Porlezza, C; Cooper, G; Missaoui, S
Sender vs. recipient-orientated information systems revisited
2022 Macfarlane, A; Missaoui, S; Makri, S; Gutierrez Lopez, M
AI should embody our values: Investigating journalistic values to inform AI technology design
2020 Komatsu, T; Lopez, M; Makri, S; Porlezza, C; Cooper, G; Macfarlane, A; Missaoui, S
On machine learning and knowledge organization in multimedia information retrieval
2020 Macfarlane, A; Missaoui, S; Frankowska-Takhari, S
We are the change that we seek: Information interactions during a change of viewpoint
2020 Mckay, D; Makri, S; Gutierrez-Lopez, M; Macfarlane, A; Missaoui, S; Porlezza, C; Cooper, G
LOOKER: a mobile, personalized recommender system in the tourism domain based on social media user-generated content
2019 Missaoui, S; Kassem, F; Viviani, M; Agostini, A; Faiz, R; Pasi, G
Context-Aware Approaches to Mobile Search
2018 Missaoui, S
A language modeling approach for the recommendation of tourism-related services
2017 Missaoui, S; Viviani, M; Faiz, R; Pasi, G
A preferences based approach for better comprehension of user information needs
2015 Missaoui, S; Faiz, R
A new preference based model for relevant dimension identification in contextual mobile search
2014 Missaoui, S; Faiz, R