Composition optimization of nanostructured polymeric scintillators for pulse shape discrimination
2024 Pollice, L; Hu, X; Rigamonti, D; Villa, I; Mauri, M; Dal Molin, A; Tardocchi, M; Meinardi, F; Weder, C; Monguzzi, A
Composition optimization of nanostructured polymeric scintillators for pulse shape discrimination
2024 Pollice, L; Hu, X; Rigamonti, D; Villa, I; Mauri, M; Dal Molin, A; Tardocchi, M; Meinardi, F; Weder, C; Monguzzi, A
Design status of the neutron and gamma-ray diagnostics for the Divertor Tokamak Test facility
2024 Marocco, D; Angelone, M; Belli, F; Caruggi, F; Croci, G; Esposito, B; Gandolfo, G; Gorini, G; Grosso, G; Nocente, M; Panza, F; Pillon, M; Pompili, F; Rigamonti, D; Rocchi, G; Scionti, J; Tardocchi, M
Development of fast 2.5 MeV neutron detectors for high-intensity stray magnetic field environments
2024 Molin, A; Guiotto, F; Putignano, O; Rosa, M; Franz, P; Grosso, G; Monguzzi, A; Cippo, E; Pollice, L; Rigamonti, D; Tedoldi, L; Zuin, M; Tardocchi, M
First direct measurement of the spectrum emitted by the H 3 (H 2,γ) He 5 reaction and assessment of the relative yield γ1 to γ0
2024 Rebai, M; Rigamonti, D; Dal Molin, A; Marcer, G; Bracco, A; Camera, F; Farina, D; Gorini, G; Khilkevitch, E; Nocente, M; Perelli Cippo, E; Putignano, O; Scionti, J; Shevelev, A; Zohar, A; Tardocchi, M
Measurement of the Gamma-Ray-to-Neutron Branching Ratio for the Deuterium-Tritium Reaction in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasmas
2024 Dal Molin, A; Marcer, G; Nocente, M; Rebai, M; Rigamonti, D; Angelone, M; Bracco, A; Camera, F; Cazzaniga, C; Craciunescu, T; Croci, G; Dalla Rosa, M; Giacomelli, L; Gorini, G; Kazakov, Y; Khilkevitch, E; Muraro, A; Panontin, E; Perelli Cippo, E; Pillon, M; Putignano, O; Scionti, J; Shevelev, A; Žohar, A; Tardocchi, M
Observation of alpha-particles in recent D-T experiments on JET
2024 Kiptily, V; Challis, C; Dumont, R; Fitzgerald, M; Garcia, J; Garzotti, L; Ghani, Z; Hobirk, J; Jacquet, P; Kappatou, A; Keeling, D; Kazakov, Y; Mantica, P; Mantsinen, M; Sharapov, S; Solano, E; Van Eester, D; Bonofiglo, P; Craciunescu, T; Dal Molin, A; Eriksson, J; Goloborodko, V; Iliasova, M; Khilkevitch, E; King, D; Lengar, I; Nocente, M; Menmuir, S; Podesta, M; Poradzinski, M; Rigamonti, D; Rivero-Rodriguez, J; Stancar, Z; Shevelev, A; Siren, P; Sun, H; Taylor, D; Tardocchi, M; Beaumont, P; Belli, F; Cecil, F; Coelho, R; Curuia, M; Garcia-Munoz, M; Joffrin, E; Lowry, C; Lennholm, M; Lerche, E; Maggi, C; Mailloux, J; Marocco, D; Maslov, M; Perez Von Thun, C; Rimini, F; Zoita, V
RFX-mod2 diagnostic capability enhancements for the exploration of multi-magnetic-configurations
2024 Carraro, L; Zuin, M; Abate, D; Agostinetti, P; Agostini, M; Aprile, D; Barbisan, M; Belpane, A; Berton, G; Bonotto, M; Brombin, M; Cavazzana, R; Cinnirella, L; Ciufo, S; Croci, G; Cordaro, L; D'Isa, F; Dal Bello, S; Dal Molin, A; De Masi, G; Emma, G; Fadone, M; Fassina, A; Fiorucci, D; Franz, P; Grando, L; Guiotto, F; La Matina, M; Marchiori, G; Marconato, N; Mario, I; Marrelli, L; Milazzo, R; Molisani, S; Moresco, M; Muraro, A; Perelli Cippo, E; Peruzzo, S; Porcu, P; Pomaro, N; Puiatti, M; Putignano, O; Rigamonti, D; Rigoni Garola, A; Rizzolo, A; Ruffini, F; Scarin, P; Spagnolo, S; Spolaore, M; Taliercio, C; Tardocchi, M; Terranova, D; Ugoletti, M; Valisa, M; Vianello, N; Zaniol, B
Sensitized Triplet–Triplet Annihilation in Nanostructured Polymeric Scintillators Allows for Pulse Shape Discrimination
2024 Hu, X; Rigamonti, D; Villa, I; Pollice, L; Mauri, M; Molin, A; Tardocchi, M; Meinardi, F; Weder, C; Monguzzi, A
The single crystal diamond-based diagnostic suite of the JET tokamak for 14 MeV neutron counting and spectroscopy measurements in DT plasmas
2024 Rigamonti, D; Dal Molin, A; Muraro, A; Rebai, M; Giacomelli, L; Gorini, G; Nocente, M; Perelli Cippo, E; Conroy, S; Ericsson, G; Eriksson, J; Kiptily, V; Ghani, Z; Stancar, I; Tardocchi, M
A new hard x-ray spectrometer for runaway electron measurements in tokamaks
2023 Dal Molin, A; Nocente, M; Dalla Rosa, M; Panontin, E; Rigamonti, D; Tardocchi, M; Shevelev, A; Khilkevitch, E; Iliasova, M; Giacomelli, L; Gorini, G; Perelli Cippo, E; D'Isa, F; Pautasso, G; Papp, G; Tardini, G; Macusova, E; Cerovsky, J; Ficker, O; Salewski, M; Kiptily, V
Analytical and MonteCarlo approaches to infer the total gamma ray emission from the JET tokamak
2023 Marcer, G; Zohar, A; Dal Molin, A; Rigamonti, D; Rebai, M; Nocente, M; Panontin, E; Croci, G; Gorini, G; Grosso, G; Muraro, A; Perelli Cippo, E; Putignano, O; de la Luna, E; Ghani, Z; Conroy, S; Garcia, J; Kazakov, Y; Kiptily, V; Maslov, M; Nave, M; Ongena, J; Tardocchi, M
Conceptual design of a GEM (gas electron multiplier) based gas Cherenkov detector for measurement of 17 MeV gamma rays from T(D, γ)5He in magnetic confinement fusion plasmas
2023 Putignano, O; Croci, G; Muraro, A; Cancelli, S; Caruggi, F; Gorini, G; Grosso, G; Kushoro, M; Marcer, G; Nocente, M; Cippo, E; Rebai, M; Rigamonti, D; Tardocchi, M
Experiments in high-performance JET plasmas in preparation of second harmonic ICRF heating of tritium in ITER
2023 Mantsinen, M; Jacquet, P; Lerche, E; Gallart, D; Kirov, K; Mantica, P; Taylor, D; Van Eester, D; Baruzzo, M; Carvalho, I; Challis, C; Dal Molin, A; Delabie, E; de la Luna, E; Dumont, R; Dumortier, P; Eriksson, J; Frigione, D; Garcia, J; Garzotti, L; Giroud, C; Henriques, R; Hobirk, J; Kappatou, A; Kazakov, Y; Keeling, D; King, D; Kiptily, V; Lennholm, M; Lomas, P; Lowry, C; Maggi, C; Mailloux, J; Maslov, M; Menmuir, S; Monakhov, I; Morales, R; Noble, C; Nocente, M; Patel, A; Pucella, G; Reux, C; Rigamonti, D; Rimini, F; Sheikh, A; Silburn, S; Siren, P; Solano, E; Stancar, Z; Tardocchi, M
JET D-T scenario with optimized non-thermal fusion
2023 Maslov, M; Lerche, E; Auriemma, F; Belli, E; Bourdelle, C; Challis, C; Chomiczewska, A; Dal Molin, A; Eriksson, J; Garcia, J; Hobirk, J; Ivanova-Stanik, I; Jacquet, P; Kappatou, A; Kazakov, Y; Keeling, D; King, D; Kiptily, V; Kirov, K; Kos, D; Lorenzini, R; de la Luna, E; Maggi, C; Mailloux, J; Mantica, P; Marin, M; Matthews, G; Monakhov, I; Nocente, M; Pucella, G; Rigamonti, D; Rimini, F; Saarelma, S; Salewski, M; Solano, E; Stancar, Z; Stankunas, G; Sun, H; Tardocchi, M; Van Eester, D
Lessons learned after three years of SPIDER operation and the first MITICA integrated tests
2023 Marcuzzi, D; Toigo, V; Boldrin, M; Chitarin, G; Dal Bello, S; Grando, L; Luchetta, A; Pasqualotto, R; Pavei, M; Serianni, G; Zanotto, L; Agnello, R; Agostinetti, P; Agostini, M; Aprile, D; Barbisan, M; Battistella, M; Berton, G; Bigi, M; Brombin, M; Candela, V; Candeloro, V; Canton, A; Casagrande, R; Cavallini, C; Cavazzana, R; Cordaro, L; Cruz, N; Dalla Palma, M; Dan, M; De Lorenzi, A; Delogu, R; De Muri, M; De Nardi, M; Denizeau, S; Fadone, M; Fellin, F; Ferro, A; Gaio, E; Gasparrini, C; Gnesotto, F; Jain, P; La Rosa, A; Lopez-Bruna, D; Lorenzini, R; Maistrello, A; Manduchi, G; Manfrin, S; Marconato, N; Mario, I; Martini, G; Milazzo, R; Patton, T; Peruzzo, S; Pilan, N; Pimazzoni, A; Poggi, C; Pomaro, N; Pouradier-Duteil, B; Recchia, M; Rigoni-Garola, A; Rizzetto, D; Rizzolo, A; Santoro, F; Sartori, E; Segalini, B; Shepherd, A; Siragusa, M; Sonato, P; Sottocornola, A; Spada, E; Spagnolo, S; Spolaore, M; Taliercio, C; Tinti, P; Tomsic, P; Trevisan, L; Ugoletti, M; Valente, M; Valisa, M; Veronese, F; Vignando, M; Zaccaria, P; Zagorski, R; Zaniol, B; Zaupa, M; Zuin, M; Cavenago, M; Boilson, D; Rotti, C; Decamps, H; Geli, F; Sharma, A; Veltri, P; Zacks, J; Simon, M; Paolucci, F; Garbuglia, A; Gutierrez, D; Masiello, A; Mico, G; Labate, C; Readman, P; Bragulat, E; Bailly-Maitre, L; Gomez, G; Kouzmenko, G; Albajar, F; Kashiwagi, M; Tobari, H; Kojima, A; Murayama, M; Hatakeyama, S; Oshita, E; Maejima, T; Shibata, N; Yamashita, Y; Watanabe, K; Singh, N; Singh, M; Dhola, H; Fantz, U; Heinemann, B; Wimmer, C; Wunderlich, D; Tsumori, K; Croci, G; Gorini, G; Muraro, A; Rebai, M; Tardocchi, M; Giacomelli, L; Rigamonti, D; Taccogna, F; Bruno, D; Rutigliano, M; Longo, S; Deambrosis, S; Miorin, E; Montagner, F; Tonti, A; Panin, F
Progress with applications of three-ion ICRF scenarios for fusion research: A review
2023 Kazakov, Y; Ongena, J; Nocente, M; Bobkov, V; Garcia, J; Kiptily, V; Schneider, M; Wukitch, S; Wright, J; Dreval, M; Kirov, K; Mazzi, S; Ochoukov, R; Sharapov, S; Štancar, ; Weisen, H; Baranov, Y; Baruzzo, M; Bierwage, A; Bilato, R; Chomiczewska, A; Coelho, R; Craciunescu, T; Crombé, K; Delabie, E; Luna, E; Dumont, R; Dumortier, P; Durodié, F; Eriksson, J; Fitzgerald, M; Galdon-Quiroga, J; Gallart, D; Garcia-Munoz, M; Giacomelli, L; Giroud, C; Gonzalez-Martin, J; Hakola, A; Henriques, R; Jacquet, P; Jepu, I; Johnson, T; Kappatou, A; Keeling, D; King, D; Klepper, C; Lauber, P; Lennholm, M; Lerche, E; Lomanowski, B; Lowry, C; Mantsinen, M; Maslov, M; Menmuir, S; Monakhov, I; Nabais, F; Nave, M; Noble, C; Panontin, E; Pinches, S; Polevoi, A; Rigamonti, D; Sahlberg, A; Salewski, M; Schneider, P; Sheikh, H; Shinohara, K; Siren, P; Sumida, S; Thorman, A; Tinguely, R; Valcarcel, D; Van Eester, D; Schoor, M; Varje, J; Weiland, M; Wendler, N
X-ray Micro-Discharges Fine Dynamics in a Vacuum High Voltage Experiment
2023 Spagnolo, S; Cordaro, L; Patton, T; Pilan, N; Lorenzi, A; Fontana, C; Muraro, A; Pino, F; Croci, G; Rigamonti, D; Fincato, M; Lotto, L; Mario, I; Martines, E; Spada, E; Tardocchi, M; Zuin, M
A high-resolution neutron spectroscopic camera for the SPARC tokamak based on the Jet European Torus deuterium-tritium experience
2022 Tardocchi, M; Rebai, M; Rigamonti, D; Tinguely, R; Caruggi, F; Croci, G; Dal Molin, A; Ghani, Z; Giacomelli, L; Girolami, M; Grosso, G; Kushoro, M; Marcer, G; Mastellone, M; Muraro, A; Nocente, M; Perelli Cippo, E; Petruzzo, M; Putignano, O; Scionti, J; Serpente, V; Trucchi, D; Mackie, S; Saltos, A; De Marchi, E; Parisi, M; Trotta, A; de la Luna, E; Garcia, J; Kazakov, Y; Maslov, M; Stancar, Z; Gorini, G
A new dedicated signal processing system for gamma-ray spectrometers in high power deuterium-tritium plasma scenarios in tokamaks
2022 Marcer, G; Khilkevitch, E; Shevelev, A; Croci, G; Dal Molin, A; Gorini, G; Grosso, G; Muraro, A; Nocente, M; Perelli Cippo, E; Putignano, O; Rebai, M; Rigamonti, D; de la Luna, E; Garcia, J; Kazakov, Y; Kiptily, V; Maslov, M; Nave, M; Ongena, J; Tardocchi, M