Effectiveness of the system of protected areas of Lombardy (Northern Italy) in preserving breeding birds
2018 Sicurella, B; Orioli, V; Pinoli, G; Ambrosini, R; Bani, L
Environmental conditions at arrival to the wintering grounds and during spring migration affect population dynamics of barn swallows Hirundo rustica breeding in Northern Italy
2016 Sicurella, B; Musitelli, F; Rubolini, D; Saino, N; Ambrosini, R
Migratory connectivity and effects of winter temperatures on migratory behaviour of the European robin Erithacus rubecula: A continent-wide analysis
2016 Ambrosini, R; Cuervo, J; du Feu, C; Fiedler, W; Musitelli, F; Rubolini, D; Sicurella, B; Spina, F; Saino, N; Møller, A
Analysis of the consequences of climate change and habitat modification on migratory birds.
2015 Sicurella, B
Light-level geolocators reveal covariation between winter plumage molt and phenology in a trans-Saharan migratory bird
2015 Saino, N; Rubolini, D; Ambrosini, R; Romano, M; Scandolara, C; Fairhurst, G; Caprioli, M; Romano, A; Sicurella, B; Liechti, F
Timing of migration and residence areas during the non-breeding period of barn swallows Hirundo rustica in relation to sex and population
2015 Liechti, F; Scandolara, C; Rubolini, D; Ambrosini, R; Korner Nievergelt, F; Hahn, S; Lardelli, R; Romano, M; Caprioli, M; Romano, A; Sicurella, B; Saino, N
Weather conditions, brood size and hatching order affect Common Swift Apus apus nestlings survival and growth
2015 Sicurella, B; Caffi, M; Caprioli, M; Rubolini, D; Saino, N; Ambrosini, R
Hayfields enhance colony size of the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica in northern Italy
2014 Sicurella, B; Caprioli, M; Romano, A; Romano, M; Rubolini, D; Saino, N; Ambrosini, R
Impact of miniaturized geolocators on barn swallow Hirundo rustica fitness traits
2014 Scandolara, C; Rubolini, D; Ambrosini, R; Caprioli, M; Hahn, S; Liechti, F; Romano, A; Romano, M; Sicurella, B; Saino, N
Modelling the Progression of Bird Migration with Conditional Autoregressive Models Applied to Ringing Data
2014 Ambrosini, R; Borgoni, R; Rubolini, D; Sicurella, B; Fiedler, W; Bairlein, F; Baillie, S; Robinson, R; Clark, J; Spina, F; Saino, N
Maintenance of livestock farming may buffer population decline of the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
2012 Ambrosini, R; Rubolini, D; Trovò, P; Liberini, G; Bandini, M; Romano, A; Sicurella, B; Scandolara, C; Romano, M; Saino, N