European SMEs’ growth: the role of market-based finance and public financial support
2024 Boccaletti, S; Ferrando, A; Rossi, E; Rossolini, M
How can SMEs signal their quality and growth orientation to the market? An analysis of the cost of Italian corporate mini‐bonds
2022 Boccaletti, S; Rossi, E; Rossolini, M
Financial Fragility and Corporate Bond Funding of SMEs: An Analysis of the Italian Case
2021 Rossi, E; Boccaletti, S
SME access to market-based finance across Eurozone countries
2021 Bongini, P; Ferrando, A; Rossi, E; Rossolini, M
The role of market valuation in financial crises
2021 Bongini, P; Rossi, E
Does relative valuation work for banks?
2020 Forte, G; Gianfrate, G; Rossi, E
The capital markets union and firms' access to external market-based finance: Evidence and policy implications from a novel survey-based index
2018 Rossi, E; Bongini, P; Ferrando, A; Rossolini, M
Corporate Finance. Principles and practice in Europe
2017 Watson, D; Head, A; Mantovani, G; Rossi, E
Finanza Aziendale. Principi e pratica
2017 Watson, D; Head, A; Mantovani, G; Rossi, E
Suitable or non-suitable? An Investigation of Eurozone SME access to market-based finance
2017 Bongini, P; Ferrando, A; Rossi, E; Rossolini, M
Assessing relative valuation in equity markets: Bridging research and practice
2016 Rossi, E; Forte, G
Infrastructure project finance and project bonds in Europe
2015 Stepic, R; Rossi, E
Le obbligazioni bancarie attraverso le crisi:banche europee ed americane a confronto
2014 Bongini, P; Patarnello, A; Rossi, E; Rossolini, M
Mini bond: le prime esperienze di quotazione sul mercato obbligazionario ExtraMOT PRO
2014 Rossi, E
The Italian economic landscape. Recent developments and their impact on banking sector
2014 Rossi, E
Caratteristiche e presupposti aziendali dei nuovi strumenti di finanziamento
2013 Rossi, E
Biases and Information in Analysts’ Recommendations: The European Experience
2006 Azzi, S; Bird, R; Ghiringhelli, P; Rossi, E
Valutare per pianificare: il profilo finanziario degli spin-off
2006 Rossi, E
Gestione di portafoglio e planning dei consumi
2005 Rossi, E
La gestione dell’extrarendimento cumulato rispetto al benchmark
2004 Rossi, E