DIPARTIMENTO DI BIOTECNOLOGIE E BIOSCIENZE (attivo dal 01/01/1998 al 30/09/2012)
Emx2 is a dose-dependent negative regulator of Sox2 telencephalic enhancers
2012 Mariani, J; Favaro, R; Lancini, C; Vaccari, G; Ferri, A; Bertolini, J; Tonoli, D; Latorre, E; Caccia, R; Ronchi, A; Ottolenghi, S; Miyagi, S; Okuda, A; Zappavigna, V; Nicolis, S
Hippocampal development and neural stem cell maintenance require Sox2-dependent regulation of Shh
2009 Favaro, R; Valotta, M; Ferri, A; Latorre, E; Mariani, J; Giachino, C; Lancini, C; Tosetti, V; Ottolenghi, S; Taylor, V; Nicolis, S
Impaired generation of mature neurons by neural stem cells from hypomorphic Sox2 mutants
2008 Cavallaro, M; Mariani, J; Lancini, C; Latorre, E; Caccia, R; Gullo, F; Valotta, M; Debiasi, S; Spinardi, L; Ronchi, A; Wanke, E; Brunelli, S; Favaro, R; Ottolenghi, S; Nicolis, S