DIPARTIMENTO DI BIOTECNOLOGIE E BIOSCIENZE (attivo dal 01/01/1998 al 30/09/2012)
Sox2 is required for embryonic development of the ventral telencephalon through the activation of the ventral determinants Nkx2.1 and Shh
2013 Ferri, A; Favaro, R; Beccari, L; Bertolini, J; Mercurio, S; Nieto Lopez, F; Verzeroli, C; La Regina, F; De Pietri Tonelli, D; Ottolenghi, S; Bovolenta, P; Nicolis, S
Rai is a New Regulator of Neural Progenitor Migration and Glioblastoma Invasion
2012 Ortensi, B; Osti, D; Pellegatta, S; Pisati, F; Brescia, P; Fornasari, L; Levi, D; Gaetani, P; Colombo, P; Ferri, A; Nicolis, S; Finocchiaro, G; Pelicci, G
Hippocampal development and neural stem cell maintenance require Sox2-dependent regulation of Shh
2009 Favaro, R; Valotta, M; Ferri, A; Latorre, E; Mariani, J; Giachino, C; Lancini, C; Tosetti, V; Ottolenghi, S; Taylor, V; Nicolis, S
Conserved POU binding DNA sites in the Sox2 upstream enhancer regulate gene expression in embryonic and neural stem cells
2004 Catena, R; Tiveron, C; Ronchi, A; Porta, S; Ferri, A; Tatangelo, L; Cavallaro, M; Favaro, R; Ottolenghi, S; Reinbold, R; Schöler, H; Nicolis, S
Sox2 deficiency causes neurodegeneration and impaired neurogenesis in the adult mouse brain
2004 Ferri, A; Cavallaro, M; Braida, D; Di Cristofano, A; Canta, A; Vezzani, A; Ottolenghi, S; Pandolfi, P; Sala, M; Debiasi, S; Nicolis, S