Assessment of verb and sentence processing deficits in stroke-induced aphasia: the Italian version of the Northwestern Assessment of Verbs and Sentences (NAVS-I)
2024 Barbieri, E; Alessio, V; Zanobio, E; Scola, I; Luzzatti, C; Thompson, C
Clinical and structural disconnectome evaluation in a case of optic aphasia
2024 Veronelli, L; Bonandrini, R; Caporali, A; Licciardo, D; Corbo, M; Luzzatti, C
Automated clustering and switching algorithms applied to semantic verbal fluency data in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
2023 Barattieri di San Pietro, C; Luzzatti, C; Ferrari, E; de Girolamo, G; Marelli, M
Lateralized reading in the healthy brain: A behavioral and computational study on the nature of the visual field effect
2023 Bonandrini, R; Paulesu, E; Traficante, D; Capelli, E; Marelli, M; Luzzatti, C
Rethinking motor region role in verb processing: Insights from a neurolinguistic study of noun-verb dissociation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
2023 Aiello, E; Pain, D; Gallucci, M; Feroldi, S; Guidotti, L; Mora, G; Luzzatti, C
The Semantic Association Test (SAT): normative data from healthy Italian participants and a validation study in aphasic patients
2023 Banco, E; Veronelli, L; Briguglio, M; Luzzatti, C; Vallar, G
Update on the psychometric properties for the Italian version of the Aachen Aphasia Test (IT-AAT)
2023 Luzzatti, C; De Bleser, R; Scola, I; Frustaci, M; Willmes, K
A verb-naming test accurately detects cognitive changes in ALS
2022 Aiello, E; Pain, D; Radici, A; Sideri, R; Kalliopi, M; Mora, G; Luzzatti, C
Agency of Subjects and Eye Movements in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
2022 Barattieri di San Pietro, C; de Girolamo, G; Luzzatti, C; Marelli, M
Diagnostic Accuracy of Noun- and Verb-Naming Tasks in Detecting Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease
2022 Aiello, E; Grosso, M; Caracciolo, C; Andriulo, A; Buscone, S; Ottobrini, M; Luzzatti, C
Disembodying language: Actionality does not account for verb processing deficits in Parkinson's disease
2022 Aiello, E; Grosso, M; Di Liberto, A; Andriulo, A; Buscone, S; Caracciolo, C; Ottobrini, M; Luzzatti, C
Processing Argument Structure and Syntactic Complexity in People with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
2022 Barattieri di San Pietro, C; Barbieri, E; Marelli, M; de Girolamo, G; Luzzatti, C
Riabilitazione dell’afasia
2022 Luzzatti, C
Riabilitazione fonologica e articolatoria
2022 Luzzatti, C
Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620–1695): A review of his contributions to neuropsychology on the quadricentennial of his birth
2021 Luzzatti, C; Whitaker, H
La valutazione della scrittura
2021 Angelelli, P; Luzzatti, C
L’acquisizione delle competenze di lettura e scrittura: modelli cognitivi
2021 Luzzatti, C; Zoccolotti, P
Open-source open-access reaction time test (OORTT): an easy tool to assess reaction times
2021 Rigoli, M; Facchin, A; Cardile, D; Beschin, N; Luzzatti, C
Some evidence on Gerstmann's syndrome: A case study on a variant of the clinical disorder
2021 Basagni, B; Luzzatti, C; De Tanti, A; Bozzetti, F; Crisi, G; Pinardi, C; Errante, A; Fogassi, L
The autocracy of meaning: intact visuo-imitative processes may not compensate for meaningful gestures
2021 Mauri, I; Zanin, V; Aggujaro, S; Molteni, F; Luzzatti, C