Digital labour platforms and (in)formal dirty jobs: Case study on the domestic and care sectors in Italy
2024 Coletto, D; Dimitriadis, I
Digital labour platforms and (in)formal dirty jobs: The case of domestic workers in Italy
2024 Coletto, D; Dimitriadis, I
Street-level bureaucrats' discretion between individual and institutional factors: The analysis of the minimum income policy implementation in two Italian regions
2024 Andreotti, A; Coletto, D; Rio, A
Waste Picking During and After the Pandemic: Changes and Challenges in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
2024 Carbonai, D; Coletto, D
A ‘Better Life for All in Bricks and Mortar’: The Spatial Rationalities of Container Urbanism in Accra
2023 Gameli Dziwornu, M; Coletto, D
Il lavoro e i suoi significati
2023 Coletto, D
The Contribution of the Sociological Approach to Comparative Urban Studies
2023 Andreotti, A; Coletto, D
What Does It Mean to Have a Dirty and Informal Job? The Case of Waste Pickers in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
2023 Coletto, D; Carbonai, D
I lavoratori informali fra processi di reframing del lavoro, solidarietà e nuove sfide date dalla pandemia: il caso dei catadores del Rio Grande do Sul, Brasile
2022 Coletto, D; Carbonai, D
When #Istayhome is not an option: some reflections on informal workers facing the COVID-19 crisis
2022 Coletto, D
Introduction to the special section: When migrants produce the city: Everyday negotiations of urban space / Introduction de la section spéciale : Quand les migrants produisent la ville : Négociations quotidiennes de l'espace urbain
2021 Bélanger, D; Cattan, N; Coletto, D; Fretigny, J
Street vendors in Lima in the time of COVID-19: Guilty or oppressed?
2021 Coletto, D; Jaber, L; Vanhellemont, L
"Servire il cliente è come andare in scena". Improvvisazione e controllo nel terziario di consumo
2020 Coletto, D; Fullin, G
Prefazione [di Alta prestazione, di Flavio Sangalli]
2020 Coletto, D
Street Level Bureaucracy e sistemi locali di welfare: discrezionalità e contesti istituzionali nell’implementazione delle politiche
2020 Andreotti, A; Coletto, D; Rio, A
The sky in a monitor. Technologies and work practices of Air Traffic Control Officers [Il cielo in un monitor: tecnologie e pratiche di lavoro dei controllori del traffico aereo]
2020 Coletto, D; Bronzini, M
Before landing: How do new European emigrants prepare their departure and imagine their destinations?
2019 Coletto, D; Fullin, G
Informal economy
2019 Coletto, D
Irregular and regular street vending from the other side. Working practices of police officers operating in the outdoor markets of Milan
2019 Coletto, D
L'economia informale e le sue rappresentazioni sociali: il caso dei mercati all'aperto
2019 Coletto, D