Martin boundaries and asymptotic behavior of branching random walks
2024 Bertacchi, D; Candellero, E; Zucca, F
OEF Coins Tossing
2024 Cazzola, M; Bertacchi, D; Turchi, N
An evolution model with uncountably many alleles
2023 Bertacchi, D; Lember, J; Zucca, F
An Epidemic Model in Inhomogeneous Environment
2022 Bertacchi, D; Kampf, J; Sava-Huss, E; Zucca, F
Extinction probabilities in branching processes with countably many types: a general framework
2022 Bertacchi, D; Braunsteins, P; Hautphenne, S; Zucca, F
Branching random walks with uncountably many extinction probability vectors
2020 Bertacchi, D; Zucca, F
Galton–watson processes in varying environment and accessibility percolation
2020 Bertacchi, D; Rodriguez, P; Zucca, F
A stochastic model for the evolution of species with random fitness
2018 Bertacchi, D; Lember, J; Zucca, F
A generating function approach to branching random walks
2017 Bertacchi, D; Zucca, F
Global survival of branching random walks and tree-like branching random walks
2017 Bertacchi, D; Coletti, C; Zucca, F
The timing of life history events in the presence of soft disturbances
2016 Bertacchi, D; Zucca, F; Ambrosini, R
Branching random walks and multi-type contact-processes on the percolation cluster of ℤd
2015 Bertacchi, D; Zucca, F
Combination versus sequential monotherapy in chronic HBV infection: A mathematical approach
2015 Bertacchi, D; Zucca, F; Foresti, S; Mangioni, D; Gori, A
Local and global survival for nonhomogeneous random walk systems on Z
2014 Bertacchi, D; Machado, F; Zucca, F
Strong local survival of branching random walks is not monotone
2014 Bertacchi, D; Zucca, F
Recent results on branching random walks
2013 Bertacchi, D; Zucca, F
Rumor processes in random environment on N and on Galton-Watson trees
2013 Bertacchi, D; Zucca, F
Contact and voter processes on the infinite percolation cluster as models of host-symbiont interactions
2011 Bertacchi, D; Lanchier, N; Zucca, F
The small world effect on the coalescing time of random walks
2011 Bertacchi, D; Borrello, D
A self-regulating and patch subdivided population
2010 Belhadji, L; Bertacchi, D; Zucca, F