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The international collaboration designing and constructing the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) has developed a two-phase strategy toward the implementation of this leading-edge, large-scale science project. The 2023 report of the US Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) reaffirmed this vision and strongly endorsed DUNE Phase I and Phase II, as did the European Strategy for Particle Physics. While the construction of the DUNE Phase I is well underway, this White Paper focuses on DUNE Phase II planning. DUNE Phase-II consists of a third and fourth far detector (FD) module, an upgraded near detector complex, and an enhanced 2.1 MW beam. The fourth FD module is conceived as a "Module of Opportunity", aimed at expanding the physics opportunities, in addition to supporting the core DUNE science program, with more advanced technologies. This document highlights the increased science opportunities offered by the DUNE Phase II near and far detectors, including long-baseline neutrino oscillation physics, neutrino astrophysics, and physics beyond the standard model. It describes the DUNE Phase II near and far detector technologies and detector design concepts that are currently under consideration. A summary of key R&D goals and prototyping phases needed to realize the Phase II detector technical designs is also provided. DUNE's Phase II detectors, along with the increased beam power, will complete the full scope of DUNE, enabling a multi-decadal program of groundbreaking science with neutrinos.
Abed Abud, A., Abi, B., Acciarri, R., Acero, M., Adames, M., Adamov, G., et al. (2024). DUNE Phase II: scientific opportunities, detector concepts, technological solutions. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 19(12) [10.1088/1748-0221/19/12/p12005].
Abed Abud, A.;Abi, B.;Acciarri, R.;Acero, M. A.;Adames, M. R.;Adamov, G.;Adamowski, M.;Adams, D.;Adinolfi, M.;Adriano, C.;Aduszkiewicz, A.;Aguilar, J.;Akbar, F.;Allison, K.;Alonso Monsalve, S.;Alrashed, M.;Alton, A.;Alvarez, R.;Alves, T.;Amar, H.;Amedo, P.;Anderson, J.;Andreopoulos, C.;Andreotti, M.;Andrews, M. P.;Andrianala, F.;Andringa, S.;Anfimov, N.;Ankowski, A.;Antic, D.;Antoniassi, M.;Antonova, M.;Antoshkin, A.;Aranda-Fernandez, A.;Arellano, L.;Arrieta Diaz, E.;Arroyave, M. A.;Asaadi, J.;Ashkenazi, A.;Asner, D. M.;Asquith, L.;Atkin, E.;Auguste, D.;Aurisano, A.;Aushev, V.;Autiero, D.;Azam, M. B.;Azfar, F.;Back, A.;Back, H.;Back, J. J.;Bagaturia, I.;Bagby, L.;Balashov, N.;Balasubramanian, S.;Baldi, P.;Baldini, W.;Baldonedo, J.;Baller, B.;Bambah, B.;Banerjee, R.;Barao, F.;Barbu, D.;Barenboim, G.;Barham Alzás, P.;Barker, G. J.;Barkhouse, W.;Barr, G.;Barranco Monarca, J.;Barros, A.;Barros, N.;Barrow, D.;Barrow, J. L.;Basharina-Freshville, A.;Bashyal, A.;Basque, V.;Batchelor, C.;Bathe-Peters, L.;Battat, J. B. R.;Battisti, F.;Bay, F.;Bazetto, M. C. Q.;Bazo Alba, J. L. L.;Beacom, J. F.;Bechetoille, E.;Behera, B.;Belchior, E.;Bell, G.;Bellantoni, L.;Bellettini, G.;Bellini, V.;Beltramello, O.;Benekos, N.;Benitez Montiel, C.;Benjamin, D.;Bento Neves, F.;Berger, J.;Berkman, S.;Bernal, J.;Bernardini, P.;Bersani, A.;Bertolucci, S.;Betancourt, M.;Betancur Rodríguez, A.;Bevan, A.;Bezawada, Y.;Bezerra, A. T.;Bezerra, T. J.;Bhat, A.;Bhatnagar, V.;Bhatt, J.;Bhattacharjee, M.;Bhattacharya, M.;Bhuller, S.;Bhuyan, B.;Biagi, S.;Bian, J.;Biery, K.;Bilki, B.;Bishai, M.;Bitadze, A.;Blake, A.;Blaszczyk, F. D.;Blazey, G. C.;Blucher, E.;Bodek, A.;Bogenschuetz, J.;Boissevain, J.;Bolognesi, S.;Bolton, T.;Bomben, L.;Bonesini, M.;Bonilla-Diaz, C.;Bonini, F.;Booth, A.;Boran, F.;Bordoni, S.;Borges Merlo, R.;Borkum, A.;Bostan, N.;Bouet, R.;Boza, J.;Bracinik, J.;Brahma, B.;Brailsford, D.;Bramati, F.;Branca, A.;Brandt, A.;Bremer, J.;Brew, C.;Brice, S. J.;Brio, V.;Brizzolari, C.;Bromberg, C.;Brooke, J.;Bross, A.;Brunetti, G.;Brunetti, M.;Buchanan, N.;Budd, H.;Buergi, J.;Bundock, A.;Burgardt, D.;Butchart, S.;Caceres V. , G.;Cagnoli, I.;Cai, T.;Calabrese, R.;Calabrese, R.;Calcutt, J.;Calivers, L.;Calvo, E.;Caminata, A.;Camino, A. F.;Campanelli, W.;Campani, A.;Campos Benitez, A.;Canci, N.;Capó, J.;Caracas, I.;Caratelli, D.;Carber, D.;Carceller, J. M.;Carini, G.;Carlus, B.;Carneiro, M. F.;Carniti, P.;Caro Terrazas, I.;Carranza, H.;Carrara, N.;Carroll, L.;Carroll, T.;Carter, A.;Casarejos, E.;Casazza, D.;Castaño Forero, J. F.;Castaño, F. A.;Castillo, A.;Castromonte, C.;Catano-Mur, E.;Cattadori, C.;Cavalier, F.;Cavanna, F.;Centro, S.;Cerati, G.;Cerna, C.;Cervelli, A.;Cervera Villanueva, A.;Chakraborty, K.;Chakraborty, S.;Chalifour, M.;Chappell, A.;Charitonidis, N.;Chatterjee, A.;Chen, H.;Chen, M.;Chen, W. C.;Chen, Y.;Chen-Wishart, Z.;Cherdack, D.;Chi, C.;Chiapponi, F.;Chirco, R.;Chitirasreemadam, N.;Cho, K.;Choate, S.;Chokheli, D.;Chong, P. S.;Chowdhury, B.;Christian, D.;Chukanov, A.;Chung, M.;Church, E.;Cicala, M. F.;Cicerchia, M.;Cicero, V.;Ciolini, R.;Clarke, P.;Cline, G.;Coan, T. E.;Cocco, A. G.;Coelho, J. A. B.;Cohen, A.;Collazo, J.;Collot, J.;Conley, E.;Conrad, J. M.;Convery, M.;Copello, S.;Cortez, A. F. V.;Cova, P.;Cox, C.;Cremaldi, L.;Cremonesi, L.;Crespo-Anadón, J. I.;Crisler, M.;Cristaldo, E.;Crnkovic, J.;Crone, G.;Cross, R.;Cudd, A.;Cuesta, C.;Cui, Y.;Curciarello, F.;Cussans, D.;Dai, J.;Dalager, O.;Dallavalle, R.;Dallaway, W.;D'Amico, R.;da Motta, H.;Dar, Z. A.;Darby, R.;Da Silva Peres, L.;David, Q.;Davies, G. S.;Davini, S.;Dawson, J.;De Aguiar, R.;De Almeida, P.;Debbins, P.;De Bonis, I.;Decowski, M. P.;de Gouvêa, A.;De Holanda, P. C.;De Icaza Astiz, I. L.;De Jong, P.;Del Amo Sanchez, P.;De la Torre, A.;De Lauretis, G.;Delbart, A.;Delepine, D.;Delgado, M.;Dell'Acqua, A.;Delle Monache, G.;Delmonte, N.;De Lurgio, P.;Demario, R.;De Matteis, G.;de Mello Neto, J. R. T.;DeMuth, D. M.;Dennis, S.;Densham, C.;Denton, P.;Deptuch, G. W.;De Roeck, A.;De Romeri, V.;Detje, J. P.;Devine, J.;Dharmapalan, R.;Dias, M.;Diaz, A.;Díaz, J. S.;Díaz, F.;Di Capua, F.;Di Domenico, A.;Di Domizio, S.;Di Falco, S.;Di Giulio, L.;Ding, P.;Di Noto, L.;Diociaiuti, E.;Distefano, C.;Diurba, R.;Diwan, M.;Djurcic, Z.;Doering, D.;Dolan, S.;Dolek, F.;Dolinski, M. J.;Domenici, D.;Domine, L.;Donati, S.;Donon, Y.;Doran, S.;Douglas, D.;Doyle, T. A.;Dragone, A.;Drielsma, F.;Duarte, L.;Duchesneau, D.;Duffy, K.;Dugas, K.;Dunne, P.;Dutta, B.;Duyang, H.;Dwyer, D. A.;Dyshkant, A. S.;Dytman, S.;Eads, M.;Earle, A.;Edayath, S.;Edmunds, D.;Eisch, J.;Englezos, P.;Ereditato, A.;Erjavec, T.;Escobar, C. O.;Evans, J. J.;Ewart, E.;Ezeribe, A. C.;Fahey, K.;Fajt, L.;Falcone, A.;Fani', M.;Farnese, C.;Farrell, S.;Farzan, Y.;Fedoseev, D.;Felix, J.;Feng, Y.;Fernandez-Martinez, E.;Fernández-Posada, D.;Ferry, G.;Fialova, E.;Fields, L.;Filip, P.;Filkins, A.;Filthaut, F.;Fine, R.;Fiorillo, G.;Fiorini, M.;Fogarty, S.;Foreman, W.;Fowler, J.;Franc, J.;Francis, K.;Franco, D.;Franklin, J.;Freeman, J.;Fried, J.;Friedland, A.;Fuess, S.;Furic, I. K.;Furman, K.;Furmanski, A. P.;Gaba, R.;Gabrielli, A.;Gago, A. M.;Galizzi, F.;Gallagher, H.;Gallice, N.;Galymov, V.;Gamberini, E.;Gamble, T.;Ganacim, F.;Gandhi, R.;Ganguly, S.;Gao, F.;Gao, S.;Garcia-Gamez, D.;García-Peris, M. Á.;Gardim, F.;Gardiner, S.;Gastler, D.;Gauch, A.;Gauvreau, J.;Gauzzi, P.;Gazzana, S.;Ge, G.;Geffroy, N.;Gelli, B.;Gent, S.;Gerlach, L.;Ghorbani-Moghaddam, Z.;Giammaria, T.;Gibin, D.;Gil-Botella, I.;Gilligan, S.;Gioiosa, A.;Giovannella, S.;Girerd, C.;Giri, A. K.;Giugliano, C.;Giusti, V.;Gnani, D.;Gogota, O.;Gollapinni, S.;Gollwitzer, K.;Gomes, R. A.;Gomez Bermeo, L. V.;Gomez Fajardo, L. S.;Gonnella, F.;Gonzalez-Diaz, D.;Gonzalez-Lopez, M.;Goodman, M. C.;Goswami, S.;Gotti, C.;Goudeau, J.;Goudzovski, E.;Grace, C.;Gramellini, E.;Gran, R.;Granados, E.;Granger, P.;Grant, C.;Gratieri, D. R.;Grauso, G.;Green, P.;Greenberg, S.;Greer, J.;Griffith, W. C.;Groetschla, F. T.;Grzelak, K.;Gu, L.;Gu, W.;Guarino, V.;Guarise, M.;Guenette, R.;Guerzoni, M.;Guffanti, D.;Guglielmi, A.;Guo, B.;Guo, F. Y.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, V.;Gurung, G.;Gutierrez, D.;Guzowski, P.;Guzzo, M. M.;Gwon, S.;Habig, A.;Hadavand, H.;Haegel, L.;Haenni, R.;Hagaman, L.;Hahn, A.;Haiston, J.;Hakenmüller, J.;Hamernik, T.;Hamilton, P.;Hancock, J.;Happacher, F.;Harris, D. A.;Hart, A.;Hartnell, J.;Hartnett, T.;Harton, J.;Hasegawa, T.;Hasnip, C. M.;Hatcher, R.;Hayrapetyan, K.;Hays, J.;Hazen, E.;He, M.;Heavey, A.;Heeger, K. M.;Heise, J.;Hellmuth, P.;Henry, S.;Hernández-García, J.;Herner, K.;Hewes, V.;Higuera, A.;Hilgenberg, C.;Hillier, S. J.;Himmel, A.;Hinkle, E.;Hirsch, L. R.;Ho, J.;Hoff, J.;Holin, A.;Holvey, T.;Hoppe, E.;Horiuchi, S.;Horton-Smith, G. A.;Houdy, T.;Howard, B.;Howell, R.;Hristova, I.;Hronek, M. S.;Huang, J.;Huang, R. G.;Hulcher, Z.;Ibrahim, M.;Iles, G.;Ilic, N.;Iliescu, A. M.;Illingworth, R.;Ingratta, G.;Ioannisian, A.;Irwin, B.;Isenhower, L.;Ismerio Oliveira, M.;Itay, R.;Jackson, C. M.;Jain, V.;James, E.;Jang, W.;Jargowsky, B.;Jena, D.;Jentz, I.;Ji, X.;Jiang, C.;Jiang, J.;Jiang, L.;Jipa, A.;Jo, J. H.;Joaquim, F. R.;Johnson, W.;Jollet, C.;Jones, B.;Jones, R.;Jovancevic, N.;Judah, M.;Jung, C. K.;Junk, T.;Jwa, Y.;Kabirnezhad, M.;Kaboth, A. C.;Kadenko, I.;Kakorin, I.;Kalitkina, A.;Kalra, D.;Kandemir, M.;Kaplan, D. M.;Karagiorgi, G.;Karaman, G.;Karcher, A.;Karyotakis, Y.;Kasai, S.;Kasetti, S. P.;Kashur, L.;Katsioulas, I.;Kauther, A.;Kazaryan, N.;Ke, L.;Kearns, E.;Keener, P. T.;Kelly, K. J.;Kemp, E.;Kemularia, O.;Kermaidic, Y.;Ketchum, W.;Kettell, S. H.;Khabibullin, M.;Khan, N.;Khvedelidze, A.;Kim, D.;Kim, J.;Kim, M. J.;King, B.;Kirby, B.;Kirby, M.;Kish, A.;Klein, J.;Kleykamp, J.;Klustova, A.;Kobilarcik, T.;Koch, L.;Koehler, K.;Koerner, L. W.;Koh, D. H.;Kolupaeva, L.;Korablev, D.;Kordosky, M.;Kosc, T.;Kose, U.;Kostelecký, V. A.;Kothekar, K.;Kotler, I.;Kovalcuk, M.;Kozhukalov, V.;Krah, W.;Kralik, R.;Kramer, M.;Kreczko, L.;Krennrich, F.;Kreslo, I.;Kroupova, T.;Kubota, S.;Kubu, M.;Kudenko, Y.;Kudryavtsev, V. A.;Kufatty, G.;Kuhlmann, S.;Kulagin, S.;Kumar, J.;Kumar, P.;Kumaran, S.;Kunzmann, J.;Kuravi, R.;Kurita, N.;Kuruppu, C.;Kus, V.;Kutter, T.;Kuźniak, M.;Kvasnicka, J.;Labree, T.;Lackey, T.;Lalău, I.;Lambert, A.;Land, B. J.;Lane, C. E.;Lane, N.;Lang, K.;Langford, T.;Langstaff, M.;Lanni, F.;Lantwin, O.;Larkin, J.;Lasorak, P.;Last, D.;Laudrain, A.;Laundrie, A.;Laurenti, G.;Lavaut, E.;Laycock, P.;Lazanu, I.;LaZur, R.;Lazzaroni, M.;Le, T.;Leardini, S.;Learned, J.;LeCompte, T.;Legin, V.;Lehmann Miotto, G.;Lehnert, R.;Leigui de Oliveira, M. A.;Leitner, M.;Leon Silverio, D.;Lepin, L. M.;Li, J. -Y.;Li, S. W.;Li, Y.;Liao, H.;Lin, C. S.;Lindebaum, D.;Linden, S.;Lineros, R. A.;Lister, A.;Littlejohn, B. R.;Liu, H.;Liu, J.;Liu, Y.;Lockwitz, S.;Lokajicek, M.;Lomidze, I.;Long, K.;Lopes, T. V.;Lopez, J.;López de Rego, I.;López-March, N.;Lord, T.;LoSecco, J. M.;Louis, W. C.;Lozano Sanchez, A.;Lu, X. -G.;Luk, K. B.;Lunday, B.;Luo, X.;Luppi, E.;MacFarlane, D.;Machado, A. A.;Machado, P.;Macias, C. T.;Macier, J. R.;MacMahon, M.;Maddalena, A.;Madera, A.;Madigan, P.;Magill, S.;Magueur, C.;Mahn, K.;Maio, A.;Major, A.;Majumdar, K.;Mameli, S.;Man, M.;Mandujano, R. C.;Maneira, J.;Manly, S.;Mann, A.;Manolopoulos, K.;Manrique Plata, M.;Manthey Corchado, S.;Manyam, V. N.;Marchan, M.;Marchionni, A.;Marciano, W.;Marfatia, D.;Mariani, C.;Maricic, J.;Marinho, F.;Marino, A. D.;Markiewicz, T.;Das Chagas Marques, F.;Marquet, C.;Marshak, M.;Marshall, C. M.;Marshall, J.;Martina, L.;Martín-Albo, J.;Martinez, N.;Martinez Caicedo, D. A.;Martínez López, F.;Martínez Miravé, P.;Martynenko, S.;Mascagna, V.;Massari, C.;Mastbaum, A.;Matichard, F.;Matsuno, S.;Matteucci, G.;Matthews, J.;Mauger, C.;Mauri, N.;Mavrokoridis, K.;Mawby, I.;Mazza, R.;McAskill, T.;McConkey, N.;McFarland, K. S.;McGrew, C.;McNab, A.;Meazza, L.;Meddage, V. C. N.;Mefodiev, A.;Mehta, B.;Mehta, P.;Melas, P.;Mena, O.;Mendez, H.;Mendez, P.;Méndez, D. P.;Menegolli, A.;Meng, G.;Mercuri, A. C. E. A.;Meregaglia, A.;Messier, M. D.;Metallo, S.;Metcalf, W.;Mewes, M.;Meyer, H.;Miao, T.;Micallef, J.;Miccoli, A.;Michna, G.;Milincic, R.;Miller, F.;Miller, G.;Miller, W.;Mineev, O.;Minotti, A.;Miralles, L.;Miranda, O. G.;Mironov, C.;Miryala, S.;Miscetti, S.;Mishra, C. S.;Mishra, P.;Mishra, S. R.;Mislivec, A.;Mitchell, M.;Mladenov, D.;Mocioiu, I.;Mogan, A.;Moggi, N.;Mohanta, R.;Mohayai, T. A.;Mokhov, N.;Molina, J.;Molina Bueno, L.;Montagna, E.;Montanari, A.;Montanari, C.;Montanari, D.;Montanino, D.;Montaño Zetina, L. M.;Mooney, M.;Moor, A. F.;Moore, Z.;Moreno, D.;Moreno-Palacios, O.;Morescalchi, L.;Moretti, D.;Moretti, R.;Morris, C.;Mossey, C.;Moura, C. A.;Mouster, G.;Mu, W.;Mualem, L.;Mueller, J.;Muether, M.;Muheim, F.;Muir, A.;Mulhearn, M.;Munford, D.;Munteanu, L. J.;Muramatsu, H.;Muraz, J.;Murphy, M.;Murphy, T.;Muse, J.;Mytilinaki, A.;Nachtman, J.;Nagai, Y.;Nagu, S.;Nandakumar, R.;Naples, D.;Narita, S.;Navrer-Agasson, A.;Nayak, N.;Nebot-Guinot, M.;Nehm, A.;Nelson, J. K.;Neogi, O.;Nesbit, J.;Nessi, M.;Newbold, D.;Newcomer, M.;Nichol, R.;Nicolas-Arnaldos, F.;Nikolica, A.;Nikolov, J.;Niner, E.;Nishimura, K.;Norman, A.;Norrick, A.;Novella, P.;Nowak, A.;Nowak, J. A.;Oberling, M.;Ochoa-Ricoux, J. P.;Oh, S.;Oh, S. B.;Olivier, A.;Olshevskiy, A.;Olson, T.;Onel, Y.;Onishchuk, Y.;Oranday, A.;Orebi Gann, G. D.;Osbiston, M.;Osorio Vélez, J. A.;O'Sullivan, L.;Otiniano Ormachea, L.;Ott, J.;Pagani, L.;Palacio, G.;Palamara, O.;Palestini, S.;Paley, J. M.;Pallavicini, M.;Palomares, C.;Pan, S.;Panda, P.;Panduro Vazquez, W.;Pantic, E.;Paolone, V.;Papaleo, R.;Papanestis, A.;Papoulias, D.;Paramesvaran, S.;Paris, A.;Parke, S.;Parozzi, E.;Parsa, S.;Parsa, Z.;Parveen, S.;Parvu, M.;Pasciuto, D.;Pascoli, S.;Pasqualini, L.;Pasternak, J.;Patrick, C.;Patrizii, L.;Patterson, R. B.;Patzak, T.;Paudel, A.;Paulucci, L.;Pavlovic, Z.;Pawloski, G.;Payne, D.;Pec, V.;Pedreschi, E.;Peeters, S. J. M.;Pellico, W.;Pena Perez, A.;Pennacchio, E.;Penzo, A.;Peres, O. L. G.;Perez Gonzalez, Y. F.;Pérez-Molina, L.;Pernas, C.;Perry, J.;Pershey, D.;Pessina, G.;Petrillo, G.;Petta, C.;Petti, R.;Pfaff, M.;Pia, V.;Pickering, L.;Pietropaolo, F.;Pimentel, V. L.;Pinaroli, G.;Pincha, S.;Pinchault, J.;Pitts, K.;Plows, K.;Pollack, C.;Pollman, T.;Pompa, F.;Pons, X.;Poonthottathil, N.;Popov, V.;Poppi, F.;Porter, J.;Porto Paixão, L. G.;Potekhin, M.;Potenza, R.;Pozimski, J.;Pozzato, M.;Prakash, T.;Pratt, C.;Prest, M.;Psihas, F.;Pugnere, D.;Qian, X.;Queen, J.;Raaf, J. L.;Radeka, V.;Rademacker, J.;Radics, B.;Raffaelli, F.;Rafique, A.;Raguzin, E.;Rai, M.;Rajagopalan, S.;Rajaoalisoa, M.;Rakhno, I.;Rakotondravohitra, L.;Ralte, L.;Ramirez Delgado, M. A.;Ramson, B.;Rappoldi, A.;Raselli, G.;Ratoff, P.;Ray, R.;Razafinime, H.;Rea, E. M.;Real, J. S.;Rebel, B.;Rechenmacher, R.;Reichenbacher, J.;Reitzner, S. D.;Rejeb Sfar, H.;Renner, E.;Renshaw, A.;Rescia, S.;Resnati, F.;Restrepo, Diego;Reynolds, C.;Ribas, M.;Riboldi, S.;Riccio, C.;Riccobene, G.;Ricol, J. S.;Rigan, M.;Rincón, E. V.;Ritchie-Yates, A.;Ritter, S.;Rivera, D.;Rivera, R.;Robert, A.;Rocabado Rocha, J. L.;Rochester, L.;Roda, M.;Rodrigues, P.;Rodriguez Alonso, M. J.;Rodriguez Rondon, J.;Rosauro-Alcaraz, S.;Rosier, P.;Ross, D.;Rossella, M.;Rossi, M.;Ross-Lonergan, M.;Roy, N.;Roy, P.;Rubbia, C.;Ruggeri, A.;Ruiz, G.;Russell, B.;Ruterbories, D.;Rybnikov, A.;Sacerdoti, S.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, S. K.;Sahu, N.;Sala, P.;Samios, N.;Samoylov, O.;Sanchez, M. C.;Sánchez Bravo, A.;Sánchez-Castillo, A.;Sanchez-Lucas, P.;Sandberg, V.;Sanders, D. A.;Sanfilippo, S.;Sankey, D.;Santoro, D.;Saoulidou, N.;Sapienza, P.;Sarasty, C.;Sarcevic, I.;Sarra, I.;Savage, G.;Savinov, V.;Scanavini, G.;Scaramelli, A.;Scarff, A.;Schefke, T.;Schellman, H.;Schifano, S.;Schlabach, P.;Schmitz, D.;Schneider, A. W.;Scholberg, K.;Schukraft, A.;Schuld, B.;Seo, S. H.;Segade, A.;Segreto, E.;Selyunin, A.;Senadheera, D.;Senise, C. R.;Sensenig, J.;Shaevitz, M. H.;Shanahan, P.;Sharma, P.;Kumar, R.;Sharma Poudel, S.;Shaw, K.;Shaw, T.;Shchablo, K.;Shen, J.;Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.;Sheshukov, A.;Shi, J.;Shi, W.;Shin, S.;Shivakoti, S.;Shoemaker, I.;Shooltz, D.;Shrock, R.;Siddi, B.;Siden, M.;Silber, J.;Simard, L.;Sinclair, J.;Sinev, G.;Singh, J.;Singh, L.;Singh, P.;Singh, V.;Singh Chauhan, S.;Sipos, R.;Sironneau, C.;Sirri, G.;Siyeon, K.;Skarpaas, K.;Smedley, J.;Smith, E.;Smith, J.;Smith, P.;Smolik, J.;Smy, M.;Snape, M.;Snider, E. L.;Snopok, P.;Snowden-Ifft, D.;Soares Nunes, M.;Sobel, H.;Soderberg, M.;Sokolov, S.;Solano Salinas, C. J.;Söldner-Rembold, S.;Solomey, N.;Solovov, V.;Sondheim, W. E.;Sorel, M.;Sotnikov, A.;Soto-Oton, J.;Sousa, A.;Soustruznik, K.;Spinella, F.;Spitz, J.;Spooner, N. J. C.;Spurgeon, K.;Stalder, D.;Stancari, M.;Stanco, L.;Steenis, J.;Stein, R.;Steiner, H. M.;Steklain Lisbôa, A. F.;Stepanova, A.;Stewart, J.;Stillwell, B.;Stock, J.;Stocker, F.;Stokes, T.;Strait, M.;Strauss, T.;Strigari, L.;Stuart, A.;Suarez, J. G.;Subash, J.;Surdo, A.;Suter, L.;Sutera, C. M.;Sutton, K.;Suvorov, Y.;Svoboda, R.;Swain, S. K.;Szczerbinska, B.;Szelc, A. M.;Sztuc, A.;Taffara, A.;Talukdar, N.;Tamara, J.;Tanaka, H. A.;Tang, S.;Taniuchi, N.;Tapia Casanova, A. M.;Tapia Oregui, B.;Tapper, A.;Tariq, S.;Tarpara, E.;Tatar, E.;Tayloe, R.;Tedeschi, D.;Teklu, A. M.;Tena Vidal, J.;Tennessen, P.;Tenti, M.;Terao, K.;Terranova, F.;Testera, G.;Thakore, T.;Thea, A.;Thomas, S.;Thompson, A.;Thorn, C.;Timm, S. C.;Tiras, E.;Tishchenko, V.;Todorović, N.;Tomassetti, L.;Tonazzo, A.;Torbunov, D.;Torti, M.;Tortola, M.;Tortorici, F.;Tosi, N.;Totani, D.;Toups, M.;Touramanis, C.;Tran, D.;Travaglini, R.;Trevor, J.;Triller, E.;Trilov, S.;Truchon, J.;Truncali, D.;Trzaska, W. H.;Tsai, Y.;Tsai, Y. -T.;Tsamalaidze, Z.;Tsang, K. V.;Tsverava, N.;Tu, S. Z.;Tufanli, S.;Tunnell, C.;Turnberg, S.;Turner, J.;Tuzi, M.;Tyler, J.;Tyley, E.;Tzanov, M.;Uchida, M. A.;Ureña González, J.;Urheim, J.;Usher, T.;Utaegbulam, H.;Uzunyan, S.;Vagins, M. R.;Vahle, P.;Valder, S.;Valdiviesso, G. A.;Valencia, E.;Valentim, R.;Vallari, Z.;Vallazza, E.;Valle, J. W. F.;Van Berg, R.;Van de Water, R. G.;Forero, D. V.;Vannozzi, A.;Van Nuland-Troost, M.;Varanini, F.;Vargas Oliva, D.;Vasina, S.;Vaughan, N.;Vaziri, K.;Vázquez-Ramos, A.;Vega, J.;Ventura, S.;Verdugo, A.;Vergani, S.;Verzocchi, M.;Vetter, K.;Vicenzi, M.;Vieira de Souza, H.;Vignoli, C.;Vilela, C.;Villa, E.;Viola, S.;Viren, B.;Vizcaya Hernandez, A. P.;Vuong, Q.;Waldron, A. V.;Wallbank, M.;Walsh, J.;Walton, T.;Wang, H.;Wang, J.;Wang, L.;Wang, M. H. L. S.;Wang, X.;Wang, Y.;Warburton, K.;Warner, D.;Warsame, L.;Wascko, M. O.;Waters, D.;Watson, A.;Wawrowska, K.;Weber, A.;Weber, C. M.;Weber, M.;Wei, H.;Weinstein, A.;Westerdale, S.;Wetstein, M.;Whalen, K.;White, A.;White, A.;Whitehead, L. H.;Whittington, D.;Wilhlemi, J.;Wilking, M. J.;Wilkinson, A.;Wilkinson, C.;Wilson, F.;Wilson, R. J.;Winter, P.;Wisniewski, W.;Wolcott, J.;Wolfs, J.;Wongjirad, T.;Wood, A.;Wood, K.;Worcester, E.;Worcester, M.;Wospakrik, M.;Wresilo, K.;Wret, C.;Wu, S.;Wu, W.;Wu, W.;Wurm, M.;Wyenberg, J.;Xiao, Y.;Xiotidis, I.;Yaeggy, B.;Yahlali, N.;Yandel, E.;Yang, J.;Yang, K.;Yang, T.;Yankelevich, A.;Yershov, N.;Yonehara, K.;Young, T.;Yu, B.;Yu, H.;Yu, J.;Yu, Y.;Yuan, W.;Zaki, R.;Zalesak, J.;Zambelli, L.;Zamorano, B.;Zani, A.;Zapata, O.;Zazueta, L.;Zeller, G. P.;Zennamo, J.;Zeug, K.;Zhang, C.;Zhang, S.;Zhao, M.;Zhivun, E.;Zimmerman, E. D.;Zucchelli, S.;Zuklin, J.;Zutshi, V.;Zwaska, R.;null, null
The international collaboration designing and constructing the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) has developed a two-phase strategy toward the implementation of this leading-edge, large-scale science project. The 2023 report of the US Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) reaffirmed this vision and strongly endorsed DUNE Phase I and Phase II, as did the European Strategy for Particle Physics. While the construction of the DUNE Phase I is well underway, this White Paper focuses on DUNE Phase II planning. DUNE Phase-II consists of a third and fourth far detector (FD) module, an upgraded near detector complex, and an enhanced 2.1 MW beam. The fourth FD module is conceived as a "Module of Opportunity", aimed at expanding the physics opportunities, in addition to supporting the core DUNE science program, with more advanced technologies. This document highlights the increased science opportunities offered by the DUNE Phase II near and far detectors, including long-baseline neutrino oscillation physics, neutrino astrophysics, and physics beyond the standard model. It describes the DUNE Phase II near and far detector technologies and detector design concepts that are currently under consideration. A summary of key R&D goals and prototyping phases needed to realize the Phase II detector technical designs is also provided. DUNE's Phase II detectors, along with the increased beam power, will complete the full scope of DUNE, enabling a multi-decadal program of groundbreaking science with neutrinos.
Abed Abud, A., Abi, B., Acciarri, R., Acero, M., Adames, M., Adamov, G., et al. (2024). DUNE Phase II: scientific opportunities, detector concepts, technological solutions. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 19(12) [10.1088/1748-0221/19/12/p12005].
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 598/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.