Paruresis is the inability to urinate in situations where there is perception of scrutiny, or potential scrutiny, by others. According to DSM-5, paruresis is classified as social phobia. Aim. The present study aims at offering a clinical description of the disorder in a sample of paruretics voluntarily recruited among users registered on an Italian website dedicated to people suffering from this disorder ( Methods. Data were collected through a set of questionnaires published online, including assessment and screening measures for paruresis (Paruresis Checklist), generalized social phobia (Mini-SPIN) and depression (Beck Depression Inventory). Results. 65 participants showed clinically relevant symptoms of paruresis, as suggested by a PCL score above the threshold. Mean age was 28 ys (SD= ±7.75 ys); most of participants were male (87.7%; N=57). Although gender differences in the clinical manifestations of the disorder appear limited, the variable mostly connected to the severity of paruresis is the presence of a further diagnosis of generalized social phobia. Discussion. Paruresis is a clinical condition associated with high level of distress on which, however, there is limited knowledge among mental health professionals.
Scopo Con paruresi, o “sindrome della vescica timida”, ci si riferisce all’incapacità di urinare in situazioni in cui si è esposti allo scrutinio, o al possibile scrutinio, di altre persone. Nel DSM-5 la paruresi è inclusa nella categoria diagnostica del disturbo d’ansia sociale (fobia sociale). Obiettivo di questo studio è quello di fornire una descrizione delle manifestazioni cliniche del disturbo in un campione di persone paruretiche. Metodi. I dati sono stati raccolti attraverso una batteria di questionari pubblicata online attraverso il sito; essa includeva strumenti diagnostici e di screening specifici per la paruresi, un questionario di screening per la fobia sociale generalizzata (Mini-SPIN) e il Beck Depression Inventory. Risultati. 65 partecipanti hanno mostrato sintomi clinicamente rilevanti di paruresi, come evidenziato dal superamento del punteggio soglia alla Paruresis Checklist. L’età media è risultata pari a 28 anni (DS= ±7,75 anni); la maggior parte dei partecipanti (87,7%; N=57) sono maschi. Per quanto le differenze di genere nelle manifestazioni cliniche del disturbo siano limitate, la variabile che più sembra incidere sulla gravità del quadro clinico è la presenza di una diagnosi di fobia sociale generalizzata. Discussione. La paruresi emerge come una condizione clinica associata a livelli rilevanti di disagio sulla quale tuttavia le conoscenze dei professionisti della salute mentale appaiono ancora decisamente scarse.
Prunas, A. (2013). La sindrome della vescica timida [Shy bladder syndrome]. RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA, 48(4), 345-353 [10.1708/1319.14632].
La sindrome della vescica timida [Shy bladder syndrome]
Paruresis is the inability to urinate in situations where there is perception of scrutiny, or potential scrutiny, by others. According to DSM-5, paruresis is classified as social phobia. Aim. The present study aims at offering a clinical description of the disorder in a sample of paruretics voluntarily recruited among users registered on an Italian website dedicated to people suffering from this disorder ( Methods. Data were collected through a set of questionnaires published online, including assessment and screening measures for paruresis (Paruresis Checklist), generalized social phobia (Mini-SPIN) and depression (Beck Depression Inventory). Results. 65 participants showed clinically relevant symptoms of paruresis, as suggested by a PCL score above the threshold. Mean age was 28 ys (SD= ±7.75 ys); most of participants were male (87.7%; N=57). Although gender differences in the clinical manifestations of the disorder appear limited, the variable mostly connected to the severity of paruresis is the presence of a further diagnosis of generalized social phobia. Discussion. Paruresis is a clinical condition associated with high level of distress on which, however, there is limited knowledge among mental health professionals.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.