Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 460
NA - Nord America 258
AS - Asia 231
AF - Africa 17
SA - Sud America 7
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 977
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 251
IT - Italia 198
SG - Singapore 72
IE - Irlanda 60
DE - Germania 55
CN - Cina 39
GB - Regno Unito 35
SA - Arabia Saudita 31
RU - Federazione Russa 29
SE - Svezia 29
HK - Hong Kong 26
NL - Olanda 15
FR - Francia 11
KR - Corea 9
IR - Iran 8
MY - Malesia 7
VN - Vietnam 7
CA - Canada 6
EG - Egitto 6
ES - Italia 6
ID - Indonesia 6
IN - India 6
JP - Giappone 6
TW - Taiwan 6
CH - Svizzera 5
CO - Colombia 5
FI - Finlandia 5
TR - Turchia 5
KE - Kenya 4
BE - Belgio 3
NO - Norvegia 3
TN - Tunisia 3
AU - Australia 2
BR - Brasile 2
IL - Israele 2
LY - Libia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
GR - Grecia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
PL - Polonia 1
RO - Romania 1
RS - Serbia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 977
Città #
Milan 63
Singapore 63
Dublin 58
Ann Arbor 44
Frankfurt am Main 33
Riyadh 29
Hong Kong 24
Santa Clara 23
New York 18
Rome 18
Southampton 18
Ashburn 17
Seattle 12
Shanghai 12
Boardman 11
Chandler 11
Beijing 8
Hamburg 7
Turin 7
Kuala Lumpur 6
Princeton 6
Wilmington 6
Chicago 5
Delft 5
Fairfield 5
Hangzhou 5
Naples 5
Bari 4
Bergamo 4
Bologna 4
Cagliari 4
Cesena 4
Jakarta 4
Madrid 4
Nairobi 4
Rieti 4
Tilburg 4
Amsterdam 3
Ankara 3
As 3
Brookings 3
Cairo 3
Cambridge 3
Edinburgh 3
Edmonton 3
Helsinki 3
Indore 3
Kyoto 3
Lawrence 3
Pastorano 3
Rovereto 3
Seoul 3
Solna 3
Taipei 3
Tunis 3
Tunja 3
Zurich 3
Acerra 2
Biassono 2
Blackheath 2
Charlottesville 2
Daejeon 2
Delhi 2
East Ham 2
Falls Church 2
Frattamaggiore 2
Genoa 2
Godalming 2
Gorgonzola 2
Guangzhou 2
Hanoi 2
Horgenzell 2
Houston 2
Jeddah 2
London 2
Malatya 2
Montebelluna 2
Mountain View 2
Munich 2
New Malden 2
New Taipei 2
Nocera Inferiore 2
Noci 2
Paris 2
Pars-les-Romilly 2
Pasto 2
Phoenix 2
Port Said 2
Porvoo 2
Reggio Calabria 2
Rosh Ha‘Ayin 2
San Diego 2
San Valentino Torio 2
Santiago de Compostela 2
Seriate 2
Seth 2
Southwark 2
Tenero 2
Weinan 2
Americana 1
Totale 704
Nome #
Listening to the City: Artificial Intelligence meets Smart Mobility 378
A multi-criteria algorithm for automatic detection of city communities 132
3D-CLoST: A CNN-LSTM Approach for Mobility Dynamics Prediction in Smart Cities 122
Towards an Innovative Model in Wearable Expert System for Skiing 102
Listening to the City, Attentively: A Spatio-Temporal Attention-Boosted Autoencoder for the Short-Term Flow Prediction Problem 78
SigMaNet: One Laplacian to Rule Them All 54
Benefits of Relocation on E-scooter Sharing - A Data-Informed Approach 50
On the adoption of e-moped sharing systems 49
On-Street Parking Prediction: A Comparative Study 28
Graph Learning in 4D: A Quaternion-Valued Laplacian to Enhance Spectral GCNs 20
Totale 1.013
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.137
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.137

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/2022149 9 30 31 35 7 2 3 4 6 1 8 13
2022/2023138 18 18 8 3 23 21 7 10 6 2 16 6
2023/2024486 26 20 29 26 50 64 66 81 34 31 22 37
2024/2025240 47 43 67 38 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.013