Discrete global symmetries: gauging and twisted compactification
2024 Giacomelli, S; Harding, W; Mekareeya, N; Mininno, A
Superconformal anomalies for string defects in six-dimensional N = (1, 0) SCFTs
2024 Apruzzi, F; Mekareeya, N; Robinson, B; Tomasiello, A
Chern-Simons-Trinion theories: One-form symmetries and superconformal indices
2023 Comi, R; Harding, W; Mekareeya, N
Mixed anomalies, two-groups, non-invertible symmetries, and 3d superconformal indices
2023 Mekareeya, N; Sacchi, M
Zero-form and one-form symmetries of the ABJ and related theories
2022 Beratto, E; Mekareeya, N; Sacchi, M
New aspects of Argyres-Douglas theories and their dimensional reduction
2021 Giacomelli, S; Mekareeya, N; Sacchi, M
3d mirrors of the circle reduction of twisted A 2N theories of class S
2020 Beratto, E; Giacomelli, S; Mekareeya, N; Sacchi, M
Marginal operators and supersymmetry enhancement in 3d S-fold SCFTs
2020 Beratto, E; Mekareeya, N; Sacchi, M
Symmetry enhancement and duality walls in 5d gauge theories
2020 Garozzo, I; Mekareeya, N; Sacchi, M; Zafrir, G
Branes, partition functions, and quadratic monopole superpotentials
2019 Amariti, A; Cassia, L; Garozzo, I; Mekareeya, N
Duality walls in the 4d N = 2 SU(N) gauge theory with 2N flavours
2019 Garozzo, I; Mekareeya, N; Sacchi, M
Supersymmetric indices of 3d S-fold SCFTs
2019 Garozzo, I; Monaco, G; Mekareeya, N; Sacchi, M
Small instanton transitions for M5 fractions
2017 Mekareeya, N; Ohmori, K; Shimizu, H; Tomasiello, A
T-branes, anomalies and moduli spaces in 6D SCFTs
2017 Mekareeya, N; Rudelius, T; Tomasiello, A
T σρ(G) theories and their Hilbert series
2015 Cremonesi, S; Hanany, A; Mekareeya, N; Zaffaroni, A