ExVivoMicroTest: ExVivo Testing of Microservices
2023 Gazzola, L; Goldstein, M; Mariani, L; Mobilio, M; Segall, I; Tundo, A; Ussi, L
A Survey of Field-based Testing Techniques
2022 Bertolino, A; Braione, P; Angelis, G; Gazzola, L; Kifetew, F; Mariani, L; Orrù, M; Pezzè, M; Pietrantuono, R; Russo, S; Tonella, P
Testing Software in Production Environments with Data from the Field
2022 Gazzola, L; Mariani, L; Orru, M; Pezze, M; Tappler, M
A Framework for In-Vivo Testing of Mobile Applications
2020 Ceccato, M; Corradini, D; Gazzola, L; Kifetew, F; Mariani, L; Orru, M; Tonella, P
Automatic ex-vivo regression testing of microservices
2020 Gazzola, L; Goldstein, M; Mariani, L; Segall, I; Ussi, L
Automatic Software Repair: A Survey
2019 Gazzola, L; Micucci, D; Mariani, L
Field Testing of Software Applications
2019 Gazzola, L
Toward in-vivo testing of mobile applications
2019 Ceccato, M; Gazzola, L; Kifetew, F; Mariani, L; Orru, M; Tonella, P
Automatic software repair: a survey
2018 Gazzola, L; Micucci, D; Mariani, L
Random or evolutionary search for object-oriented test suite generation?
2018 Shamshiri, S; Rojas, J; Gazzola, L; Fraser, G; Mcminn, P; Mariani, L; Arcuri, A
An Exploratory Study of Field Failures
2017 Gazzola, L; Mariani, L; Pastore, F; Pezze, M
Field testing of software applications
2017 Gazzola, L