Validation of Minimal Residual Disease as Surrogate Endpoint for Event-Free Survival in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
2018 Galimberti, S; Devidas, M; Lucenti, A; Cazzaniga, G; Möricke, A; Bartram, C; Mann, G; Carroll, W; Winick, N; Borowitz, M; Wood, B; Basso, G; Conter, V; Zimmermann, M; Suciu, S; Biondi, A; Schrappe, M; Hunger, S; Valsecchi, M
The role of comprehensive geriatric assessment and functional status in evaluating the patterns of antithrombotic use among older people with atrial fibrillation
2016 Mazzone, A; Bo, M; Lucenti, A; Galimberti, S; Bellelli, G; Annoni, G
The Validation of Candidate Surrogates for a Time to Event Endpoint in Childhood Leukemia
2016 Lucenti, A
Chitotriosidase and lysosomal enzymes as potential biomarkers of disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A survey clinic-based study
2015 Pagliardini, V; Pagliardini, S; Corrado, L; Lucenti, A; Panigati, L; Bersano, E; Servo, S; Cantello, R; D'Alfonso, S; Mazzini, L
Prescribing patterns of antithrombotic drugs to elderly patients with atrial fibrillation admitted to an acute geriatric unit
2015 Mazzone, A; Bellelli, G; Lucenti, A; Galimberti, S; Valsecchi, M; Mazzola, P; Annoni, G
The Validation of a candidate surrogate of a Survival Endpoint in Leukemia
2015 Lucenti, A; Galimberti, S; Valsecchi, M
Multiple sclerosis progression is not associated with birth timing in Italy
2014 Lucenti, A; Galimberti, S; Barizzone, N; Naldi, P; Comi, G; Martinelli Boneschi, F; D'Alfonso, S; Leone, M
A reliability study of colour-Doppler sonography for the diagnosis of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency shows low inter-rater agreement
2013 Leone, M; Raymkulova, O; Lucenti, A; Stecco, A; Bolamperti, L; Coppo, L; Liboni, W; Rivadossi, G; Zaccala, G; Maggio, M; Melis, F; Giaccone, C; Carriero, A; Lochner, P
Association of Genetic Markers with CSF Oligoclonal Bands in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
2013 Leone, M; Barizzone, N; Esposito, F; Lucenti, A; Harbo, H; Goris, A; Kockum, I; Oturai, A; Celius, E; Mero, I; Dubois, B; Olsson, T; Søndergaard, H; Cusi, D; Lupoli, S; Andreassen, B; Barcellos, L; Booth, D; Comabella, M; Compston, A; D'Alfonso, S; De Jager, P; Fontaine, B; Goris, A; Hafler, D; Haines, J; Harbo, H; Hauser, S; Hawkins, C; Hemmer, B; Hillert, J; Ivinson, A; Kockum, I; Martin, R; Martinelli Boneschi, F; Mccauley, J; Oksenberg, J; Olsson, T; Oturai, A; Patsopoulos, N; Pericak Vance, M; Saarela, J; Sawcer, S; Spurkland, A; Stewart, G; Zipp, F; Myhr, K; Guerini, F; Naldi, P; Galimberti, D; Scarpini, E; Bergamaschi, R; Di Sapio, A; Caputo, D; Rosso, G; Cordera, S; Cavalla, P; Cavallo, R; Benedetti, M; Salvetti, M; Capra, R; Ghezzi, A; Annovazzi, P; Coniglio, G; Liberatore, G; Rodegher, M; Moiola, L; Colombo, B; Radaelli, M; Rossi, P; Martinelli, V; Comi, G; Martinelli Boneschi, F; D'Alfonso, S
Are smoking and alcohol use related to multiple sclerosis?
2012 Lucenti, A; Ivashynka, A; Raymkulova, O; Leone, M; Naldi, P; Ruggerone, S
Smoking and alcohol are related to multiple sclerosis severity, a case-control study
2012 Lucenti, A; Ivashynka, A; Raymkulova, O; Leone, M; Naldi, P
Associazione di marcatori della regione HLA con la presenza di bande oligoclonali nella sclerosi multipla
2011 Lucenti, A