A female advantage in asylum application decisions? a gendered analysis of decisions on asylum applications in Italy from 2008 to 2022
2024 Ortensi, L; Piccitto, G; Morlotti, S
Change and stability of migration intentions. Evidence from Italy
2024 Barbiano di Belgiojoso, E; Bonifazi, C; Ortensi, L; Paparusso, A
Introducing the role of the municipality of residence instudying the secondary migration of international migrants.Evidence from Lombardy (Italy)
2024 Ortensi, L; Barbiano di Belgiojoso, E
Editorial: Women's Empowerment, Migration, and Health
2022 Ripamonti, E; Ortensi, L; Farina, P
Labour market profiles of Albanian migrants in Italy: Evidence from Lombardy 2001–2015
2022 Cela, E; Barbiano di Belgiojoso, E; King, R; Ortensi, L
The relationship between women’s individual empowerment and the support to female genital cutting continuation: a study on 7 African countries
2022 Farina, P; Ortensi, L; Pettinato, T; Ripamonti, E
Welfare and social protection: What is the link with secondary migration? Evidence from the 2014‐crisis hit Italian region of Lombardy
2022 Ortensi, L; Barbiano di Belgiojoso, E
Who Wants to Become Italian? A Study of Interest in Naturalisation among Foreign Migrants in Italy
2022 Barbiano di Belgiojoso, E; Ortensi, L
Le mutilazioni genitali femminili in Italia: un aggiornamento
2020 Farina, P; Ortensi, L; Pettinato, T
Sexual violence victimisation among university students in Italy: a gendered intersectional quantitative approach
2020 Ortensi, L; Farina, P
Satisfied after all? Working trajectories and job satisfaction of foreign-born female domestic and care workers in Italy
2019 Barbiano di Belgiojoso, E; Ortensi, L
Female genital mutilation/cutting in Italy: An enhanced estimation for first generation migrant women based on 2016 survey data
2018 Ortensi, L; Farina, P; Leye, E
Immigrazione e futuro dell'Europa nel corso del 2017
2018 Ortensi, L; Pasini, N; Regalia, M; Van Wolleghem, P
Le Migrazioni in Europa
2018 Ortensi, L
Moving on? Gender, education, and citizenship as key factors among short-term onward migration planners
2018 Ortensi, L; Barbiano di Belgiojoso, E
Aspetti dell'integrazione
2017 Blangiardo, G; Conti, C; Quattrociocchi, L; Terzera, L; Ortensi, L
I Migranti per motivi umanitari
2017 Ortensi, L
Le Migrazioni in Europa
2017 Ortensi, L
Migrating with Special Needs? Projections of Flows of Migrant Women with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Toward Europe 2016–2030
2017 Ortensi, L; Menonna, A
Reti sociali e senso di appartenenza nel contesto migratorio. Un’indagine in Lombardia (Social networks and sense of belonging in emigration. The case of Lombardy)