Geological-structural sketch-map of the Ossola-Simplon area (1 : 50.000 map)
2007 Bigioggero, B; Colombo, A; Cavallo, A; Aldighieri, B; Tunesi, A
Geological-structural sketch-map of the Ossola-Simplon area - Explanatory Notes. 1906-2006 – 100 anni Traforo del Sempione
2007 Colombo, A; Cavallo, A
Proposal for a technical regulation of ornamental stones: an example from the Verbano-Cusio-Ossola district
2007 Cavallo, A; Dino, G; Colombo, A; Fornaro, M; Marini, P; Tunesi, A
Il Marmo di Ornavasso (VB, Piemonte): cave, usi storici, caratteristiche petrografiche e tecniche
2006 Cavallo, A; Colombo, A; Tunesi, A
Le beole di Vogogna (VB, Piemonte): cave, usi storici, caratteristiche petrografiche e tecniche
2006 Cavallo, A; Colombo, A; Tunesi, A
Pietre Verdi della Val d’Ossola e Valmalenco a confronto (Alpi centro-occidentali)
2006 Cavallo, A; Colombo, A; Tunesi, A
The “green stones” from Ossola valley (Piedmont, Northern Italy): historical use, petrography, geochemistry and physical properties
2006 Cavallo, A; Colombo, A; Tunesi, A
Residual sludge from the ornamental stone industry in the Verbano Cusio Ossola district (Piedmont, NW Italy): mineralogy and chemistry
2005 Colombo, A; Barberini, V; Cavallo, A; Galimberti, L; Tunesi, A
Contemporary natural stones from the Italian western Alps (Piedmont and Aosta Valley regions)
2004 Colombo, A; Fiora, L; Fornaro, M; Lovera, E; Sandrone, R; Tunesi, A; Cavallo, A
Geochemical approach to characterization and source identification of the protholiths of metasedimentary rocks: an example from the southern Alps
2004 Caironi, V; Colombo, A; Tunesi, A
Stone industry in the Ossola Valley (NW Italy): the Serizzo and Beola ornamental stones
2004 Cavallo, A; Colombo, A; Tunesi, A
The Beola: a dimension stone from the Ossola Valley (NW Italy)
2004 Cavallo, A; Colombo, A; Tunesi, A; Bigioggero, B
The Verbano Cusio Ossola province: A land of quarries in northern Italy (Piedmont)
2004 Cavallo, A; Bigioggero, B; Colombo, A; Tunesi, A