A new macro-financial condition index for the euro area
2024 Morana, C
Euro area inflation and a new measure of core inflation
2023 Morana, C
Is Climate Change Time-Reversible?
2022 Giancaterini, F; Hecq, A; Morana, C
The risks of exiting too early the policy responses to the COVID-19 recession
2022 Cassola, N; De Grauwe, P; Morana, C; Tirelli, P
Climate change awareness: Empirical evidence for the European Union
2021 Baiardi, D; Morana, C
Climate change implications for the catastrophe bonds market: An empirical analysis
2019 Morana, C; Sbrana, G
Regularized semiparametric estimation of high dimensional dynamic conditional covariance matrices
2019 Morana, C
Financial development and income distribution inequality in the euro area
2018 Morana, C; Baiardi, D
It ain’t over till it’s over: A global perspective on the Great Moderation-Great Recession interconnection
2017 Morana, C; Bagliano, F
Macroeconomic and financial effects of oil price shocks: Evidence for the euro area
2017 Morana, C
The US$/€ exchange rate: Structural modeling and forecasting during the recent financial crises
2017 Morana, C
The financial Kuznets curve: Evidence for the euro area
2016 Morana, C; Baiardi, D
Model Averaging by Stacking
2015 Morana, C
Semiparametric Estimation of Multivariate GARCH Models
2015 Morana, C
Determinants of US financial fragility conditions
2014 Morana, C; Bagliano, F
Factor Vector Autoregressive Estimation of Heteroskedastic Persistent and Non Persistent Processes Subject to Structural Breaks
2014 Morana, C
Insights on the Global Macro-Finance Interface: Structural Sources of Risk Factors Fluctuations and the Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns
2014 Morana, C
New Insights on the US OIS Spreads Term Structure During the Recent Financial Turmoil
2014 Morana, C
Oil price dynamics, macro-finance interactions and the role of financial speculation
2013 Morana, C
The oil price-macroeconomy relationship since the mid-1980s: A global perspective
2013 Morana, C