Ecomuseums in the Mediterranean Area and the Promotion of Sustainable Food Systems
2024 Borrelli, N; Pigozzi, L; Mura, G
New Actors in Food Governance. The Potential role of Museums and Ecomuseums
2024 Borrelli, N; Koch, P; Azzarito, L; Mura, G; Addis, G
Small farmers strife to develop: market and sustainability challenges
2024 Razzano, C; Mura, G; Borrelli, N
Formare alla sostenibilità: approcci aziendali
2023 Mura, G; Aleotti, F; Diamantini, D
The pandemic as an opportunity for transformation and sustainable tourism development: reflections on post-covid tourism scenarios in Sub-Saharan Africa
2023 Razzano, C; Mura, G; Borrelli, N
The promotion of sustainability policy in the urban context: the role of industrial companies
2023 Mura, G; Aleotti, F; Diamantini, D
Turismo sostenibilità e comunità
2023 Borrelli, N; Mela, A; Mura, G
"Tourist platformisation": New urban tourism in Milan
2022 Bernardi, M; Mura, G
Can Democracy save the Environment?
2022 Marra, E; Mura, G; Bernardi, M
Il manuale della sostenibilità per le imprese. Innovazione, sviluppo e ambiente
2022 Mura, G; Aleotti, F; Diamantini, D
Le comunità energetiche come risorsa per il territorio. Lo scenario italiano ed europeo ieri, oggi e domani
2022 Bernardi, M; Mura, G
Urban food policies and public markets: opportunities for food waste management
2021 Borrelli, N; Sganzetta, L; Mura, G
Inclusive Education in Spain and Italy: Evolution and Current Debate
2020 Mura, G; Olmos Alcaraz, A; Aleotti, F; Ortiz Cobo, M; Rubio Gomez, M; Diamantini, D
Small Farmers and Sustainable Food System Transition: the Theoretical Framework
2020 Borrelli, N; Benegiamo, M; Mura, G; Razzano, C
Small Farming Potential for Territorial Innovation: Evidence from Arumeru, Tanzania
2020 Mura, G; Razzano, C; Borrelli, N
The potentials of digital collaborative platforms for the innovation of refugees’ reception strategies
2020 Ferrari, M; Bernardi, M; Mura, G; Diamantini, D
What Potential for Small-Scale Farmers in Tanzania? Evidence from Arumeru
2020 Razzano, C; Mura, G; Borrelli, N
Backpacking practices in the sharing economy era. An exploratory study of a changing urban scenario
2019 Bernardi, M; Mura, G
First Results From Tanzania Mission
2019 Borrelli, N; Razzano, C; Mura, G
Food 4.0: food sharing as a smart approach to urban food policies. A longitudinal key study in Milan
2019 Mura, G; Bernardi, M; Borrelli, N; Diamantini, D