Cemiplimab in recurrent cervical cancer: Final analysis of overall survival in the phase III EMPOWER-Cervical 1/GOG-3016/ENGOT-cx9 trial
2025 Oaknin, A; Monk, B; de Melo, A; Kim, H; Kim, Y; Lisyanskaya, A; Samouëlian, V; Lorusso, D; Damian, F; Chang, C; Gotovkin, E; Takahashi, S; Ramone, D; Maćkowiak-Matejczyk, B; Polastro, L; Alia, E; Colombo, N; Makarova, Y; Goh, J; Hasegawa, K; Mora, P; Pikiel, J; Srivastav, R; Rischin, D; Rubio, M; Perez, J; Yoo, S; Gao, B; Jamil, S; Seebach, F; Lowy, I; Mathias, M; Fury, M; Tewari, K
Comparing Outcomes Between CPX-351 and Fludarabine-Based Induction in Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemia in the Real-World Setting: The Prognostic Role of Measurable Residual Disease
2025 Riva, C; Minetto, P; Chies, M; Vernarecci, C; Colombo, N; Rosellini, S; Parodi, A; Tedone, E; Carminati, E; Nurra, C; Puglisi, F; Frello, M; Maio, E; Ferro, B; Zecchetti, G; Fugazza, G; Nozza, P; Cea, M; Lemoli, R; Guolo, F
External validation of the Annual Recurrence Risk Model (ARRM) for tailored surveillance strategy in patients with cervical cancer
2025 De Vitis, L; Schivardi, G; Gaeta, A; Caruso, G; Rosanu, M; Ribero, L; Fumagalli, D; Casarin, J; Betella, I; Bogani, G; Langstraat, C; Aletti, G; Colombo, N; Zanagnolo, V; Gandini, S; Multinu, F
Homologous recombination deficiency in ovarian cancer: Global expert consensus on testing and a comparison of companion diagnostics
2025 Quesada, S; Penault-Llorca, F; Matias-Guiu, X; Banerjee, S; Barberis, M; Coleman, R; Colombo, N; Defazio, A; Mcneish, I; Nogueira-Rodrigues, A; Oaknin, A; Pignata, S; Pujade-Lauraine, É; Rouleau, É; Ryška, A; Van Der Merwe, N; Van Gorp, T; Vergote, I; Weichert, W; Wu, X; Ray-Coquard, I; Pujol, P
Incorporating immune checkpoint inhibitors in epithelial ovarian cancer
2025 Bogani, G; Moore, K; Ray-Coquard, I; Lorusso, D; Matulonis, U; Ledermann, J; González-Martín, A; Kurtz, J; Pujade-Lauraine, E; Scambia, G; Caruso, G; Raspagliesi, F; Colombo, N; Monk, B
Pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy for advanced and recurrent cervical cancer: final analysis according to bevacizumab use in the randomized KEYNOTE-826 study
2025 Lorusso, D; Colombo, N; Dubot, C; Cáceres, M; Hasegawa, K; Shapira-Frommer, R; Salman, P; Yañez, E; Gümüş, M; Olivera, M; Samouëlian, V; Castonguay, V; Arkhipov, A; Li, K; Toker, S; Tekin, C; Tewari, K; Monk, B
A non-comparative, randomized, phase II trial of atezolizumab or atezolizumab plus tiragolumab for programmed death-ligand 1-positive recurrent cervical cancer (SKYSCRAPER-04)
2024 Salani, R; Mccormack, M; Kim, Y; Ghamande, S; Hall, S; Lorusso, D; Barraclough, L; Gilbert, L; Guzman Ramirez, A; Lu, C; Sabatier, R; Colombo, N; Hu, Y; Krishnan, V; Molinero, L; Feng, Y; Kim, N; Castro, M; Lin, Y; Monk, B
A Ten-Year Real-Life Experience with Pazopanib in Uterine Leyomiosarcoma in Two High-Specialized Centers in Italy: Effectiveness and Safety
2024 Mantiero, M; Bini, M; Polignano, M; Porcu, L; Sanfilippo, R; Fabbroni, C; Parma, G; Lapresa, M; Calidona, C; Silvestri, C; Franza, A; Raspagliesi, F; Colombo, N; Ducceschi, M
Atezolizumab and chemotherapy for advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer (AtTEnd): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
2024 Colombo, N; Biagioli, E; Harano, K; Galli, F; Hudson, E; Antill, Y; Choi, C; Rabaglio, M; Marmé, F; Marth, C; Parma, G; Fariñas-Madrid, L; Nishio, S; Allan, K; Lee, Y; Piovano, E; Pardo, B; Nakagawa, S; Mcqueen, J; Zamagni, C; Manso, L; Takehara, K; Tasca, G; Ferrero, A; Tognon, G; Lissoni, A; Petrella, M; Laudani, M; Rulli, E; Uggeri, S; Barretina Ginesta, M; Zola, P; Casanova, C; Arcangeli, V; Antonuzzo, L; Gadducci, A; Cosio, S; Clamp, A; Persic, M; Mcneish, I; Tookman, L; Redondo Sanchez, A; Baldini, E; Palaia, I; Benedetti Panici, P; Takahashi, N; Lombard, J; Ardizzoia, A; Bologna, A; Herrero Ibáñez, A; Musolino, A; Márquez Vázquez, R; Pietzner, K; Braicu, E; Heinzelmann-Schwarz, V; Powell, M; Yokoyama, Y; Baron-Hay, S; Abeni, C; Martin Lorente, C; Cueva, J; Trillsch, F; Heitz, F; Ataseven, B; Petru, E; Heubner, M; Sadozye, A; Dubey, S; Tazbirkova, A; Tiley, S; Chrystal, K; Kim, S; Fehr, M; Scatchard, K; Anand, A; Taylor, A; Watary, H; Enomoto, T; Yoshihara, K; Selva-Nayagam, S; Karki, B; Harrison, M; Wilkinson, K; Goh, J; Glasgow, A; Chantrill, L; Lee, C; Bertolini, A; Narducci, F; Bellotti, G; Fusco, V; Aebi, S; Del Grande, M; Colombo, I; Tokunaga, H; Shigeta, S; Goss, G; Siow, Z; Steer, C; Lin, H
Atezolizumab Combined with Platinum and Maintenance Niraparib for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer with a Platinum-Free Interval >6 Months: ENGOT-OV41/GEICO 69-O/ANITA Phase III Trial
2024 Gonzalez-Martin, A; Rubio, M; Heitz, F; Depont Christensen, R; Colombo, N; Van Gorp, T; Romeo, M; Ray-Coquard, I; Gaba, L; Leary, A; De Sande, L; Lebreton, C; Redondo, A; Fabbro, M; Barretina Ginesta, M; Follana, P; Perez-Fidalgo, J; Rodrigues, M; Santaballa, A; Sabatier, R; Bermejo-Perez, M; Lotz, J; Pardo, B; Marquina, G; Sanchez-Lorenzo, L; Quindos, M; Estevez-Garcia, P; Guerra Alia, E; Manso, L; Casado, V; Kommoss, S; Tognon, G; Henry, S; Bruchim, I; Oaknin, A; Selle, F
Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab and chemotherapy for metastatic, persistent, or recurrent cervical cancer (BEATcc): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial
2024 Oaknin, A; Gladieff, L; Martínez-García, J; Villacampa, G; Takekuma, M; De Giorgi, U; Lindemann, K; Woelber, L; Colombo, N; Duska, L; Leary, A; Godoy-Ortiz, A; Nishio, S; Angelergues, A; Rubio, M; Fariñas-Madrid, L; Yamaguchi, S; Lorusso, D; Ray-Coquard, I; Manso, L; Joly, F; Alarcón, J; Follana, P; Romero, I; Lebreton, C; Pérez-Fidalgo, J; Yunokawa, M; Dahlstrand, H; D'Hondt, V; Randall, L
Characterization and Management of Adverse Reactions in Patients With Advanced Endometrial Cancer Receiving Lenvatinib Plus Pembrolizumab
2024 Colombo, N; Lorusso, D; Monk, B; Slomovitz, B; Hasegawa, K; Nogueira-Rodrigues, A; Zale, M; Okpara, C; Barresi, G; Mckenzie, J; Makker, V
Clinical actionability of BRCA2 alterations in uterine leiomyosarcoma: a molecular tumor board case report and a cBioPortal comprehensive analysis
2024 Bielo, L; Repetto, M; Crimini, E; Belli, C; Setola, E; Parma, G; Fusco, N; Barberis, M; Rocco, E; Marra, A; Colombo, N; Curigliano, G
Clinical evaluation of a low-coverage whole-genome test for detecting homologous recombination deficiency in ovarian cancer
2024 Boidot, R; Blum, M; Wissler, M; Gottin, C; Ruzicka, J; Chevrier, S; Delhomme, T; Audoux, J; Jeanniard, A; Just, P; Harter, P; Pignata, S; Gonzalez-Martin, A; Marth, C; Maenpaa, J; Colombo, N; Vergote, I; Fujiwara, K; Duforet-Frebourg, N; Bertrand, D; Philippe, N; Ray-Coquard, I; Pujade-Lauraine, E
Clinical research in endometrial cancer: consensus recommendations from the Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup
2024 Creutzberg, C; Kim, J; Eminowicz, G; Allanson, E; Eberst, L; Kim, S; Nout, R; Park, J; Lorusso, D; Mileshkin, L; Ottevanger, P; Brand, A; Mezzanzanica, D; Oza, A; Gebski, V; Pothuri, B; Batley, T; Gordon, C; Mitra, T; White, H; Howitt, B; Matias-Guiu, X; Ray-Coquard, I; Gaffney, D; Small, W; Miller, A; Concin, N; Powell, M; Stuart, G; Bookman, M; Barretina-Ginesta, P; Bennett, K; Berek, J; Berger, R; Bjorge, L; Boere, I; Brennan, D; Bruchim, I; Chang, T; Chavez Blanco, A; Chen, X; Colombo, N; Crosbie, E; Denys, H; Duska, L; Fruehauf, F; Gomez Garcia, E; van Gorp, T; Grimm, C; Guitmann, G; Han, K; Hanker, L; Harano, K; Hasegawa, K; Herrington, C; Ip, P; Joly, F; Khaw, P; Kohn, E; Kristeleit, R; Kroep, J; Leary, A; Lee, J; Lheureux, S; Liu, J; Mackay, H; Mahner, S; Mariani, A; Mcalpine, J; Mikami, Y; Mirza, M; Mukhopadhyay, A; Nagao, S; Ng, J; Nogueira-Rodrigues, A; Novak, Z; O'Donnell, J; Osborne, S; Perez-Fidalgo, J; Romeo Marin, M; Roy Chowdhury, R; Sadozye, A; Safra, T; Scott, C; Sehouli, J; Slomovitz, B; Tan, D; Taylor, A; Valabrega, G; Veneziani, A; Verhoeven, K; Vetter, M; Wampfler, J; Westin, S; Wimberger, P; Zola, P
Concerns regarding the AtTEnd trial in advanced endometrial carcinoma – Authors' reply
2024 Biagioli, E; Rulli, E; Fossati, R; Colombo, N
Early CAR- CD4+ T-lymphocytes recovery following CAR-T cell infusion: A worse outcome in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
2024 Gambella, M; Carlomagno, S; Mangerini, R; Colombo, N; Parodi, A; Ghiggi, C; Giannoni, L; Coviello, E; Setti, C; Luchetti, S; Serio, A; Laudisi, A; Passannante, M; Bo, A; Tedone, E; Sivori, S; Angelucci, E; Raiola, A
Efficacy of subsequent therapies in patients with advanced ovarian cancer who relapse after first-line olaparib maintenance: results of the PAOLA-1/ENGOT-ov25 trial
2024 Harter, P; Marth, C; Mouret-Reynier, M; Cropet, C; Lorusso, D; Guerra-Alía, E; Matsumoto, T; Vergote, I; Colombo, N; Mäenpää, J; Lebreton, C; de Gregorio, N; Mosconi, A; Rubio-Pérez, M; Bourgeois, H; Fasching, P; Cecere, S; Hardy-Bessard, A; Denschlag, D; de Percin, S; Hanker, L; Favier, L; Bauerschlag, D; Desauw, C; Hillemanns, P; Largillier, R; Sehouli, J; Grenier, J; Pujade-Lauraine, E; Ray-Coquard, I
ENGOT-en11/GOG-3053/KEYNOTE-B21: a randomised, double-blind, phase III study of pembrolizumab or placebo plus adjuvant chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed, high-risk endometrial cancer
2024 Van Gorp, T; Cibula, D; Lv, W; Backes, F; Ortaç, F; Hasegawa, K; Lindemann, K; Savarese, A; Laenen, A; Kim, Y; Bodnar, L; Barretina-Ginesta, M; Gilbert, L; Pothuri, B; Chen, X; Flores, M; Levy, T; Colombo, N; Papadimitriou, C; Buchanan, T; Hanker, L; Eminowicz, G; Rob, L; Black, D; Lichfield, J; Lin, G; Orlowski, R; Keefe, S; Lortholary, A; Slomovitz, B
ENGOT-EN20/GOG-3083/XPORT-EC-042 - A phase III, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter trial of selinexor in maintenance therapy after systemic therapy for patients with p53 wild-type, advanced, or recurrent endometrial carcinoma: rationale, methods, and trial design
2024 Vergote, I; Perez Fidalgo, A; Valabrega, G; Monk, B; Herzog, T; Cibula, D; Colombo, N; Pothuri, B; Sehouli, J; Korach, J; Barlin, J; Papadimitriou, C; van Gorp, T; Richardson, D; Mccarthy, M; Antill, Y; Mirza, M; Li, K; Kalyanapu, P; Slomovitz, B; Coleman, R