The research was focused on understanding the role of iron and ferroptosis in different pathological contexts. Ferroptosis is a form of non-apoptotic, iron-dependent cell death caused by lipid-based reactive oxygen species (ROS). Firstly, we focused on B-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL), the most diagnosed cancer in children. To obtain an initial understanding of iron's role in B-ALL, we assessed the expression of iron-related genes in patients’ bone marrow samples. Then, we worked on four B-ALL in vitro models, which represented different B-ALL subtypes. We exposed cells to varying iron concentrations, observing that lower doses promoted cell proliferation, while higher levels proved cytotoxic. Interestingly, one (RS4;11) out of the four cell lines exhibited a favourable response to high iron concentrations. RS4;11 is characterized by translocation t(4;11), which is typical of MLL (Mixed-Lineage Leukaemia) – rearranged leukaemia. MLL-r leukaemia is associated with a sudden onset, aggressive progression, and notoriously poor. Using different experimental approaches, we studied cellular responses in two MLL cell lines after administrations of iron and RSL3, ferroptosis inducer. Our results demonstrated that cell lines strongly depend on iron for growth and expansion. Moreover, we showed that the RSL3 triggers lipid peroxidation, production of ROS and cell death. All these processes are arrested in the presence of Liproxstatin-1, a small-molecule inhibitor that prevents lipid peroxidation. Moreover, we confirmed that in vitro MLL models exhibited distinct responses to ferroptosis induction. We postulated that this varying sensitivity might be attributed to the activation of different gene sets capable of conferring resistance to ferroptosis. Understanding the role of iron metabolism and the impact of ferroptosis in various diseases settings represented the core of the PhD project. While studying iron metabolism in B-ALL, Ceruloplasmin protein resulted as one of the most interesting players. CP gene encodes for Ceruloplasmin a ferroxidase, which has an essential role in iron homeostasis, and it has been recently connected to ferroptosis. Genetic mutations resulting in low or absent Cp serum concentrations can lead to rare diseases such as Aceruloplasminemia (ACP). ACP is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder of iron metabolism. In ACP patients, the reduced ferroxidase activity causes intracellular iron accumulation and subsequent overload in the pancreas, liver, heart, and central nervous system. Here, we described the impact of transfection of Cp-Wild Type (WT) and Cp-mutated (Cp-mut) plasmids on hepatic in vitro system. Firstly, we aimed to compare the effects of Cp-WT and Cp-mut observed in patients with those studied in vitro. Secondly, we wanted to confirm or exclude the protective effect of Ceruloplasmin in the process of ferroptosis in HepG2 cells. Experiments unveiled a diminished ferroxidase activity in ACP patients’ serum compared to controls, while no changes were observed in the supernatants of cells transfected with Cp-WT and Cp-mut plasmids. Ferroptosis inducer Erastin determined a decreased proliferation, rescued by transfection with CP-WT. Malondialdehyde, an end-product of lipid peroxidation, increased in cells transfected with CP-mut, compared to those with CP-WT. Additionally, treatments with Erastin resulted in an upregulation of ACSL4 protein levels in non-transfected cells. Protein levels decreased with CP-WT transfection but increased, when HepG2 were transfected with CP-mut. Our research confirmed that Cp-WT shows a protective effect against ferroptosis. Our findings suggest lipid peroxide accumulation as one of the potential pathogenic mechanisms in ACP. In sum, our discoveries in MLL and ACP propose that combining iron and ferroptosis-based therapy with traditional methods could pioneer innovative treatments in various disease contexts.

La ricerca verte sulla comprensione del ruolo del ferro e della ferroptosi in diversi contesti patologici. La ferroptosi è una forma di morte cellulare non apoptotica, ferro-dipendente, causata dai ROS. Ci siamo focalizzati sulla leucemia linfoblastica acuta di tipo B (LLA-B), uno dei tumori ematologici più frequenti nei bambini. Per avere una prima idea sul ruolo del ferro LLA-B, si è valutata l'espressione di geni ferro in campioni di midollo osseo. Si è lavorato principalmente su modelli cellulari di LLA-B, i quali rappresentano diversi sottotipi di LLA. Le cellule sono esposte a concentrazioni crescenti di ferro: a dosi basse il ferro promuove la proliferazione cellulare, a livelli elevati si dimostra citotossico. È interessante notare che solamente una delle quattro linee cellulari mostra una risposta favorevole ad alte concentrazioni di ferro. Questa linea cellulare, RS4;11, è caratterizzata dalla traslocazione t(4;11), tipica della leucemia a linea cellulare mista (MLL). MLL è associata a un'insorgenza improvvisa, è molto aggressiva e a una prognosi sfavorevole. Utilizzando diversi approcci sperimentali, si sono studiate le risposte cellulari post-somministrazione di ferro e RSL3, induttore di ferroptosi. I risultati dimostrano che le cellule dipendono fortemente dal ferro per la loro crescita. Inoltre, si è dimostrato che RSL3 innesca perossidazione lipidica, produzione di ROS e morte cellulare. Tutti questi processi vengono bloccati in presenza di Liproxstatin-1, un inibitore di ferroptosi. Confermato che i modelli in vitro mostrano risposte diverse all'induzione della ferroptosi, si è ipotizzato che questa diversa sensibilità possa essere attribuita all'attivazione di diversi set di geni che conferiscono resistenza all'induzione della ferroptosi. La comprensione del ruolo del metabolismo del ferro e dell'impatto della ferroptosi in varie patologie rappresenta il fulcro del progetto di dottorato. Studiando il metabolismo del ferro nel LLA-B, il gene CP risulta uno dei più interessanti. Esso codifica per la ceruloplasmina (Cp), una ferrossidasi essenziale nell'omeostasi del ferro e recentemente collegata alla ferroptosi. Mutazioni genetiche nel gene CP determinano concentrazioni sieriche basse o assenti e sono la causa dell'Aceruloplasminemia (ACP), una malattia ereditaria autosomica recessiva. Nei pazienti affetti da ACP, la ridotta attività della ferrossidasi determina un accumulo di ferro intracellulare e conseguente sovraccarico in pancreas, fegato, cuore e sistema nervoso centrale. Nel nostro studio, si è descritta la risposta della linea cellulare epatica HepG2 alla trasfezione con plasmidi contenenti il gene della Ceruloplasmina Wild Type (WT) o mutato (Cp-mut). Gli esperimenti rivelano una riduzione dell'attività ferrossidasica nel siero dei pazienti affetti da ACP, mentre non si osservano variazioni nell'attività ferrossidasica misurata nel medium delle cellule trasfettate con i plasmidi Cp-WT o Cp-mut. L'uso dell'induttore di ferroptosi Erastina causa una diminuzione della proliferazione cellulare, prevenuta dalla trasfezione con il plasmide Cp-WT. Inoltre, si è rilevato un aumento dei livelli di malondialdeide (MDA) nelle cellule trasfettate con Cp-mut rispetto a quelle con Cp-WT. Ancora, i trattamenti con Erastina comportano un aumento dei livelli di proteina ACSL4 nelle cellule non trasfettate. Questi diminuiscono con la trasfezione di Cp-WT e aumentano quando le HepG2 sono trasfettate con Cp-mut. La ricerca conferma l'efficacia protettiva della Cp-WT contro la ferroptosi. I risultati suggeriscono che l'accumulo di perossidi lipidici potrebbe rappresentare uno dei meccanismi patogeni dell'ACP. In sintesi, le nostre scoperte relative al MLL e all’ACP suggeriscono che integrare terapie basate su ferro e ferroptosi con metodi convenzionali potrebbe rappresentare un approccio terapeutico innovativo, aprendo nuove possibilità di trattamento in diversi contesti patologici.

(2024). Iron as nutrient and potential toxic element in different pathological disorders. (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2024).

Iron as nutrient and potential toxic element in different pathological disorders



The research was focused on understanding the role of iron and ferroptosis in different pathological contexts. Ferroptosis is a form of non-apoptotic, iron-dependent cell death caused by lipid-based reactive oxygen species (ROS). Firstly, we focused on B-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL), the most diagnosed cancer in children. To obtain an initial understanding of iron's role in B-ALL, we assessed the expression of iron-related genes in patients’ bone marrow samples. Then, we worked on four B-ALL in vitro models, which represented different B-ALL subtypes. We exposed cells to varying iron concentrations, observing that lower doses promoted cell proliferation, while higher levels proved cytotoxic. Interestingly, one (RS4;11) out of the four cell lines exhibited a favourable response to high iron concentrations. RS4;11 is characterized by translocation t(4;11), which is typical of MLL (Mixed-Lineage Leukaemia) – rearranged leukaemia. MLL-r leukaemia is associated with a sudden onset, aggressive progression, and notoriously poor. Using different experimental approaches, we studied cellular responses in two MLL cell lines after administrations of iron and RSL3, ferroptosis inducer. Our results demonstrated that cell lines strongly depend on iron for growth and expansion. Moreover, we showed that the RSL3 triggers lipid peroxidation, production of ROS and cell death. All these processes are arrested in the presence of Liproxstatin-1, a small-molecule inhibitor that prevents lipid peroxidation. Moreover, we confirmed that in vitro MLL models exhibited distinct responses to ferroptosis induction. We postulated that this varying sensitivity might be attributed to the activation of different gene sets capable of conferring resistance to ferroptosis. Understanding the role of iron metabolism and the impact of ferroptosis in various diseases settings represented the core of the PhD project. While studying iron metabolism in B-ALL, Ceruloplasmin protein resulted as one of the most interesting players. CP gene encodes for Ceruloplasmin a ferroxidase, which has an essential role in iron homeostasis, and it has been recently connected to ferroptosis. Genetic mutations resulting in low or absent Cp serum concentrations can lead to rare diseases such as Aceruloplasminemia (ACP). ACP is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder of iron metabolism. In ACP patients, the reduced ferroxidase activity causes intracellular iron accumulation and subsequent overload in the pancreas, liver, heart, and central nervous system. Here, we described the impact of transfection of Cp-Wild Type (WT) and Cp-mutated (Cp-mut) plasmids on hepatic in vitro system. Firstly, we aimed to compare the effects of Cp-WT and Cp-mut observed in patients with those studied in vitro. Secondly, we wanted to confirm or exclude the protective effect of Ceruloplasmin in the process of ferroptosis in HepG2 cells. Experiments unveiled a diminished ferroxidase activity in ACP patients’ serum compared to controls, while no changes were observed in the supernatants of cells transfected with Cp-WT and Cp-mut plasmids. Ferroptosis inducer Erastin determined a decreased proliferation, rescued by transfection with CP-WT. Malondialdehyde, an end-product of lipid peroxidation, increased in cells transfected with CP-mut, compared to those with CP-WT. Additionally, treatments with Erastin resulted in an upregulation of ACSL4 protein levels in non-transfected cells. Protein levels decreased with CP-WT transfection but increased, when HepG2 were transfected with CP-mut. Our research confirmed that Cp-WT shows a protective effect against ferroptosis. Our findings suggest lipid peroxide accumulation as one of the potential pathogenic mechanisms in ACP. In sum, our discoveries in MLL and ACP propose that combining iron and ferroptosis-based therapy with traditional methods could pioneer innovative treatments in various disease contexts.
Metabolismo ferro; ferroptosi; LLA-B; biologia cellulare; ceruloplasmina
iron metabolism; ferroptosis; B-ALL; cellular biology; ceruloplasmin
(2024). Iron as nutrient and potential toxic element in different pathological disorders. (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2024).
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