Frailty is a geriatric syndrome that can be defined as an age-related progressive impairment of multiple physiological systems, resulting in a significantly reduced capacity to compensate for external stressors. Fried and colleagues proposed a phenotype characterization of frailty through five physical criteria, so this can be possible only after the onset of clinical manifestations without the possibility of a precocious diagnosis. Several studies report a high prevalence of frailty in both old and young individuals with kidney dysfunction, and this further increases with advancing age and progressive decline of renal function. Elderly individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are two to three times more likely to be frail than those with normal renal function. However, the relationship between CKD and frailty is still unclear. The aging process can have adverse effects on stem cells; their self-renewal ability declines and their differentiation potential into the various cell types is altered. Aging-induced exhaustion and deterioration of stem cell pool and functions may play a key role in the pathophysiology of aging-associated diseases, including kidney dysfunction. Our group isolated a pure population of multipotent renal stem-like cells by a functional approach, taking advantage from the ability of renal stem cells (RSC) to grow as nephrospheres (NS). Investigating the expression of renal progenitor markers described in literature, our group identified in NS a homogeneous PKHhigh/CD133+/CD24- cell population displaying in vitro stem-cell properties, able to repopulate human decellularized renal scaffold and exhibiting multipotency. In this scenario, we tested whether in the organism of elderly and frail people there are biological conditions able to alter RSC behavior, justifying the high prevalence of chronic kidney dysfunction in the frail status and its severity. First, we recruited frail, pre-frail and non-frail subjects, and young subjects as controls and we obtained whole blood that was separated into plasma and PBMC. We studied DNA damage in both PBMC and circulating hematopoietic progenitor/stem cells (cHPSC) and we observed a statistically higher percentage of cells positive for DNA damage in frail patients compared to all the other groups. To assess the real effect of biological conditions related to frailty on adult RSC properties, NS cultures, obtained from nephrectomies, were treated with 10% plasma of enrolled frail and non-frail subjects and healthy young. We first evaluated the self-renewal abilities of treated cells and we observe a significant decrease in sphere forming efficiency, indication of self-renewal, in frail subjects compared to both non-frail and young people. Subsequently, we evaluated DNA damage, intracellular ROS, proliferation and viability in renal stem/progenitor cells obtained after NS dissociation after plasma treatment. We find no differences in viability and proliferation between groups, while DNA damage and intracellular ROS increased in NS cells treated with plasma of frail seniors compared to those treated with the other plasmas. This might indicate that the decrease of self-renewal ability in cell treated with plasma of frail patients and an increase of DNA damage and intracellular ROS are not correlated to cell death or proliferation, but with a high presence of inflammatory mediators and ROS in the plasma of frail patients. To confirm these data we analyzed the oxidative stress and the profile of 40 inflammatory cytokines on plasma of enrolled subjects. We observed an increase in oxidative stress and osome inflammatory cytokines in frail plasma compared to other plasmas. These preliminary data suggested that there is a combination of oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines in plasma of frail patients that contribute to increase DNA damage and intracellular ROS and consequently alter stem characteristics of NS cells.
La fragilità è una sindrome geriatrica definita da un progressivo declino età-correlato di diverse facoltà fisiologiche, che si traduce in una ridotta funzionalità d’organo e in un’aumentata vulnerabilità in condizioni di stress. Fried e coll. propongono una definizione operativa delle fragilità. La letteratura riporta un’alta prevalenza di fragilità in individui affetti da insufficienza renale cronica. Tra questi soggetti, il rischio di sviluppare fragilità è aumentato di due/tre volte rispetto ai soggetti sani. Ad oggi, la definizione e la valutazione della fragilità in questi pazienti è ancora controversa. Tuttavia quello che si sa è che l’invecchiamento è un processo strettamente correlato alla ridotta capacità delle cellule staminali di auto-rinnovarsi e differenziarsi. Quest’alterazione delle funzioni delle cellule staminali può svolgere un ruolo chiave nella fisiopatologia delle malattie associate all’invecchiamento, inclusa la disfunzione renale. Il nostro gruppo ha identificato e isolato le cellule staminali renali adulte a partire da colture clonali di nefrosfere umane. All’interno di queste sono presenti cellule a diversa differenziazione e maturazione, tra queste anche le staminali identificate come PKHhigh/CD133+/CD24-, multipotenti e in grado di ripopolare scaffold renali decellularizzati. Date queste premesse l'obiettivo del progetto è valutare gli effetti di condizioni biologiche legate alla fragilità sul comportamento delle cellule staminali renali adulte umane e capire se tali condizioni sono in grado di esaurire il pool di cellule staminali e alterarne la funzione. In primo luogo abbiamo arruolato soggetti fragili, pre-fragili e non-fragili e giovani sani come controllo e raccolto i rispettivi plasmi e cellule mononucleate dal sangue periferico (PBMC). Sia nelle PBMC che nelle cellule staminali/progenitrici ematopoietiche circolanti abbiamo valutato il danno al DNA osservando una percentuale di cellule positive al danno statisticamente più alta nei pazienti fragili rispetto agli altri gruppi. Per valutare il reale effetto delle condizioni biologiche legate alla fragilità sulle proprietà delle RSC, le colture di NS, ottenute da nefrectomie, sono state trattate con il plasma dei soggetti arruolati. Abbiamo valutato dapprima le capacità di autorinnovamento delle cellule trattate e osserviamo una significativa diminuzione dell'efficienza di formazione della sfera, indice di autorinnovamento, nei soggetti fragili rispetto ai non fragili e ai giovani. Successivamente, abbiamo valutato il danno al DNA, i ROS intracellulari, la proliferazione e la vitalità nelle cellule staminali/progenitrici renali ottenute dopo la dissociazione delle NS. Non sono state evidenziate differenze nella vitalità e nella proliferazione cellulare tra i gruppi, mentre il danno al DNA e i ROS intracellulari sono aumentati nelle cellule delle NS trattate con plasma di anziani fragili rispetto a quelle trattate con gli altri plasmi. Ciò potrebbe indicare che la diminuzione della capacità di autorinnovamento nelle cellule trattate con il plasma di pazienti fragili e un aumento del danno al DNA e dei ROS intracellulari non sono correlati con la morte o la proliferazione cellulare, ma con un'elevata presenza di mediatori infiammatori e ROS nel plasma dei pazienti fragili. Per confermare questi dati abbiamo analizzato lo stress ossidativo e il profilo di 40 citochine infiammatorie nel plasma dei soggetti arruolati. Si ha un aumento dello stress ossidativo nel plasma dei soggetti fragili rispetto agli altri gruppi, così come un’aumentata presenza o l’esclusività di alcune citochine infiammatorie. Questi dati preliminari suggeriscono che esiste una combinazione di stress ossidativo e citochine pro-infiammatorie nel plasma di pazienti fragili che contribuiscono ad aumentare il danno al DNA e i ROS intracellulari alterando conseguentemente le caratteristiche di staminalità delle cellule delle NS.
(2022). Biological conditions related to frailty and their effects on adult renal stem cells cultured as nephrospheres. (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2022).
Biological conditions related to frailty and their effects on adult renal stem cells cultured as nephrospheres
Frailty is a geriatric syndrome that can be defined as an age-related progressive impairment of multiple physiological systems, resulting in a significantly reduced capacity to compensate for external stressors. Fried and colleagues proposed a phenotype characterization of frailty through five physical criteria, so this can be possible only after the onset of clinical manifestations without the possibility of a precocious diagnosis. Several studies report a high prevalence of frailty in both old and young individuals with kidney dysfunction, and this further increases with advancing age and progressive decline of renal function. Elderly individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are two to three times more likely to be frail than those with normal renal function. However, the relationship between CKD and frailty is still unclear. The aging process can have adverse effects on stem cells; their self-renewal ability declines and their differentiation potential into the various cell types is altered. Aging-induced exhaustion and deterioration of stem cell pool and functions may play a key role in the pathophysiology of aging-associated diseases, including kidney dysfunction. Our group isolated a pure population of multipotent renal stem-like cells by a functional approach, taking advantage from the ability of renal stem cells (RSC) to grow as nephrospheres (NS). Investigating the expression of renal progenitor markers described in literature, our group identified in NS a homogeneous PKHhigh/CD133+/CD24- cell population displaying in vitro stem-cell properties, able to repopulate human decellularized renal scaffold and exhibiting multipotency. In this scenario, we tested whether in the organism of elderly and frail people there are biological conditions able to alter RSC behavior, justifying the high prevalence of chronic kidney dysfunction in the frail status and its severity. First, we recruited frail, pre-frail and non-frail subjects, and young subjects as controls and we obtained whole blood that was separated into plasma and PBMC. We studied DNA damage in both PBMC and circulating hematopoietic progenitor/stem cells (cHPSC) and we observed a statistically higher percentage of cells positive for DNA damage in frail patients compared to all the other groups. To assess the real effect of biological conditions related to frailty on adult RSC properties, NS cultures, obtained from nephrectomies, were treated with 10% plasma of enrolled frail and non-frail subjects and healthy young. We first evaluated the self-renewal abilities of treated cells and we observe a significant decrease in sphere forming efficiency, indication of self-renewal, in frail subjects compared to both non-frail and young people. Subsequently, we evaluated DNA damage, intracellular ROS, proliferation and viability in renal stem/progenitor cells obtained after NS dissociation after plasma treatment. We find no differences in viability and proliferation between groups, while DNA damage and intracellular ROS increased in NS cells treated with plasma of frail seniors compared to those treated with the other plasmas. This might indicate that the decrease of self-renewal ability in cell treated with plasma of frail patients and an increase of DNA damage and intracellular ROS are not correlated to cell death or proliferation, but with a high presence of inflammatory mediators and ROS in the plasma of frail patients. To confirm these data we analyzed the oxidative stress and the profile of 40 inflammatory cytokines on plasma of enrolled subjects. We observed an increase in oxidative stress and osome inflammatory cytokines in frail plasma compared to other plasmas. These preliminary data suggested that there is a combination of oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines in plasma of frail patients that contribute to increase DNA damage and intracellular ROS and consequently alter stem characteristics of NS cells.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
embargo fino al 15/02/2025
Descrizione: Tesi Dottorato Grasselli Chiara
Tipologia di allegato:
Doctoral thesis
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