Translocation t(12;21) is the most frequent chromosomal rearrangement in pediatric cancers, exclusively leading to B-cell Precursors Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (BCP-ALL). Translocation occurs in utero in stem-progenitor cells (HSPC) but it is insufficient for leukemogenesis, since the consequent ETV6-RUNX1 (E/R) fusion gene only generates a silent B-progenitor pre-leukemic clone; additional mutations are thus required for transformation. These latter occur in the post-natal period likely due to dysregulated immune response to common infections/inflammation. Our published data demonstrated that TGFβ, a cytokine produced during inflammation, limited the proliferation of normal pro-B and cells while favoring the insensitive E/R+ clone; moreover, TGFβ selected putative pre-leukemic stem cells (preLSC) in umbilical cord blood (UCB) CD34+ progenitors transduced with the oncogene. On the other hand, we previously showed that ETV6-RUNX1+ murine B-progenitors were altered in adhesion molecules expression and CXCL12-directed migration, suggesting possible dysregulated interactions within the bone marrow (BM) niche. Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSC) are key regulators of both HSPC and inflammation in the niche. Importantly, it has been shown that mesenchymal inflammation promotes secondary myeloid leukemia in predisposing syndromes by increasing DNA damage in HSPC, while MSC/BCP-ALL blasts cross-talk profoundly modifies cytokine and chemokine signalling within the niche excluding normal hematopoiesis in favor of leukemia. Taking advantages from two ETV6-RUNX1-expressing cell models (Ba/F3, a murine pro-B cell line, and ETV6-RUNX1-expressing human UCB-CD34+ progenitors) the present PhD study demonstrates that ETV6-RUNX1-expressing cells take advantage from mesenchymal inflammation in terms of migration, persistence and potential progression. In particular, we have found that pre-leukemic Ba/F3 show a peculiar pro-inflammatory gene expression profile characterized by a marked migratory and myeloid signature. Concordantly, ETV6-RUNX1+ Ba/F3 and CD34+ cells preferentially migrate toward inflamed compared to unstimulated BM-MSC supernatants; in case of the first, migration is CXCR2-dependent. Moreover, ETV6-RUNX1+ Ba/F3 are favored compared to controls in presence of BM-MSC and inflammatory cytokines, as they decrease normal cells proliferation and survival while minimally affecting pre-leukemic cells. The effect is mediated by soluble factors, but neither TGFβ nor CXCR2 axis are implicated. Importantly, the inflamed mesenchymal niche increases genotoxic stress in both control and E/R+ Ba/F3, as indicated by high levels of H2AX phoshorilation, as well as transcription of the activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) enzyme (which is implicated in ETV6-RUNX1+ pre-leukemia to leukemia transition). However, while control cells go through apoptosis, pre-leukemic Ba/F3 are resistant to this fail-safe mechanism, increasing chance to accumulate secondary mutations and malignantly transform. Finally, an inflamed MSC favor the emergence of CD34+ILR7+ compartment within ETV6-RUNX1+ UCB-CD34+ population while decreasing its frequency in the normal counterpart; of note, such differential effect doesn’t occur in case of unstimulated MSC. This observation is particularly important as the CD34+ILR+ compartment seems to represent the critical developmental stage during early fetal hematopoiesis for ETV6-RUNX1 pre-leukemic activity. Concluding, our work demonstrated that BM-MSC and inflammation cooperate in favoring the persistence and transformation of ETV6-RUNX1+ pre-leukemic clone. Elucidating mechanisms that underlay such promoting action could provide novel strategies for the pre-leukemic clone eradication.

La traslocazione t(12;21) è il riarrangiamento cromosomico più frequente nei tumori pediatrici e si associa esclusivamente alla leucemia linfoblastica acuta (LLA) a precursori B. La traslocazione avviene in utero nelle cellule staminali-progenitrici ematopoietiche ma è insufficiente per la leuchemogenesi, poiché il gene di fusione ETV6-RUNX1 (E/R) che ne deriva genera un clone pre-leucemico clinicamente silente; mutazioni secondarie sono quindi necessarie per completare la trasformazione. Queste ultime avvengono nel periodo post-natale verosimilmente in seguito ad una risposta immunitaria disregolata a infezioni /infiammazioni comuni. Le recidive E/R+ non sono molto frequenti ma è plausibile che siano determinate dall’accumulo di nuove mutazioni nel clone pre-leucemico chemioresistente. In passato abbiamo dimostrato che TGFβ, una citochina prodotta durante l’infiammazione, limita la proliferazione delle cellule normali pro-B mentre favorisce il clone pre-leucemico che è insensibile al suo effetto; in più, TGFβ seleziona cellule pre-leucemiche staminali in progenitori CD34+ derivati da sangue cordonale umano. Abbiamo anche precedentemente dimostrato che cellule pro-B murine E/R+ mostrano alterazioni in molecole di adesione e nella migrazione verso CXCL12, suggerendo un loro possibile comportamento anomalo all’interno della nicchia midollare. Le cellule mesenchimali stromali (MSC) sono regolatori chiave sia delle cellule ematopoietiche nella nicchia che dell’infiammazione. È stato inoltre dimostrato che alterazioni delle MSC attivano pathways infiammatori nelle cellule staminali/progenitrici del sangue promuovendo la loro trasformazione a leucemia mieloide acuta in sindromi genetiche predisponenti. Grazie a due modelli cellulari esprimenti E/R (la linea cellulare murina proB Ba/F3 e cellule CD34+ di sangue cordonale umano), il presente studio dimostra che le cellule pre-leucemiche sono avvantaggiate dalla copresenza di MSC e infiammazione in termini di migrazione, sopravvivenza e potenziale progressione. Ba/F3 E/R+ mostrano un profilo di espressione genica pro-infiammatorio, con una particolare signature migratoria e pro-mieloide. Inoltre, sia Ba/F3 che CD34+ esprimenti E/R migrano di più verso i surnatanti di MSC infiammate rispetto alle cellule controllo; nel primo caso, la migrazione dipende dal recettore CXCR2. Molto importante, Ba/F3 E/R+ sono favorite rispetto al controllo quando coltivate su MSC e infiammazione, poiché questa condizione diminuisce molto proliferazione e sopravvivenza delle Ba/F3 normali mentre ha effetti minori o assenti sulle pre-leucemiche. Il vantaggio è mediato da fattori solubili, ma né TGFβ né CXCR2 sono implicati. In aggiunta, MSC e infiammazione aumentano il danno genotossico sia nelle Ba/F3 controllo che E/R+, come indicato dagli aumentati livelli di fosforilazione dell’istone H2AX e di espressione dell’enzima AID, il quale è stato dimostrato favorire la transizione da pre-leucemia a leucemia E/R+. Tuttavia, mentre le Ba/F controllo vanno incontro ad apoptosi, le pre-leucemiche resistono accumulando danni genetici che possono favorirne la trasformazione. Infine, infiammazione e MSC cooperano nel far emergere il compartimento CD34+IL7R+ all’interno della popolazione di CD34+ pre-leucemiche, mentre sfavoriscono quello della popolazione normale. Questa osservazione è particolarmente importante alla luce del fatto che tale compartimento rappresenta lo stadio dell’ematopoiesi fetale che è suscettibile all’azione pre-leucemica di E/R. Concludendo, il presente lavoro dimostra che cellule mesenchimali stromali di midollo osseo e infiammazione cooperano nel favorire la persistenza e la possibile progressione del clone pre-leucemico ETV6-RUNX1+. L’elucidazione dei meccanismi che sottendono tale azione favorente potrebbe fornire strategie innovative per l’eradicazione del clone pre-leucemico chemioresistente.

(2019). Role of Bone Marrow-Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and inflammation in the pre-leukemic phase of ETV6-RUNX1-positive childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2019).

Role of Bone Marrow-Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and inflammation in the pre-leukemic phase of ETV6-RUNX1-positive childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)



Translocation t(12;21) is the most frequent chromosomal rearrangement in pediatric cancers, exclusively leading to B-cell Precursors Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (BCP-ALL). Translocation occurs in utero in stem-progenitor cells (HSPC) but it is insufficient for leukemogenesis, since the consequent ETV6-RUNX1 (E/R) fusion gene only generates a silent B-progenitor pre-leukemic clone; additional mutations are thus required for transformation. These latter occur in the post-natal period likely due to dysregulated immune response to common infections/inflammation. Our published data demonstrated that TGFβ, a cytokine produced during inflammation, limited the proliferation of normal pro-B and cells while favoring the insensitive E/R+ clone; moreover, TGFβ selected putative pre-leukemic stem cells (preLSC) in umbilical cord blood (UCB) CD34+ progenitors transduced with the oncogene. On the other hand, we previously showed that ETV6-RUNX1+ murine B-progenitors were altered in adhesion molecules expression and CXCL12-directed migration, suggesting possible dysregulated interactions within the bone marrow (BM) niche. Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSC) are key regulators of both HSPC and inflammation in the niche. Importantly, it has been shown that mesenchymal inflammation promotes secondary myeloid leukemia in predisposing syndromes by increasing DNA damage in HSPC, while MSC/BCP-ALL blasts cross-talk profoundly modifies cytokine and chemokine signalling within the niche excluding normal hematopoiesis in favor of leukemia. Taking advantages from two ETV6-RUNX1-expressing cell models (Ba/F3, a murine pro-B cell line, and ETV6-RUNX1-expressing human UCB-CD34+ progenitors) the present PhD study demonstrates that ETV6-RUNX1-expressing cells take advantage from mesenchymal inflammation in terms of migration, persistence and potential progression. In particular, we have found that pre-leukemic Ba/F3 show a peculiar pro-inflammatory gene expression profile characterized by a marked migratory and myeloid signature. Concordantly, ETV6-RUNX1+ Ba/F3 and CD34+ cells preferentially migrate toward inflamed compared to unstimulated BM-MSC supernatants; in case of the first, migration is CXCR2-dependent. Moreover, ETV6-RUNX1+ Ba/F3 are favored compared to controls in presence of BM-MSC and inflammatory cytokines, as they decrease normal cells proliferation and survival while minimally affecting pre-leukemic cells. The effect is mediated by soluble factors, but neither TGFβ nor CXCR2 axis are implicated. Importantly, the inflamed mesenchymal niche increases genotoxic stress in both control and E/R+ Ba/F3, as indicated by high levels of H2AX phoshorilation, as well as transcription of the activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) enzyme (which is implicated in ETV6-RUNX1+ pre-leukemia to leukemia transition). However, while control cells go through apoptosis, pre-leukemic Ba/F3 are resistant to this fail-safe mechanism, increasing chance to accumulate secondary mutations and malignantly transform. Finally, an inflamed MSC favor the emergence of CD34+ILR7+ compartment within ETV6-RUNX1+ UCB-CD34+ population while decreasing its frequency in the normal counterpart; of note, such differential effect doesn’t occur in case of unstimulated MSC. This observation is particularly important as the CD34+ILR+ compartment seems to represent the critical developmental stage during early fetal hematopoiesis for ETV6-RUNX1 pre-leukemic activity. Concluding, our work demonstrated that BM-MSC and inflammation cooperate in favoring the persistence and transformation of ETV6-RUNX1+ pre-leukemic clone. Elucidating mechanisms that underlay such promoting action could provide novel strategies for the pre-leukemic clone eradication.
LLA pediatrica; ETV6-RUNX1; pre-leucemia; BM-MSC; infiammazione
Childhood ALL; ETV6-RUNX1; pre-leukemia; BM-MSC; infiammazione
(2019). Role of Bone Marrow-Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and inflammation in the pre-leukemic phase of ETV6-RUNX1-positive childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2019).
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