In light of conspicuous flows of migrants by sea through the Mediterranean Sea, the present doctoral thesis aims at analyzing the role of Italy in the progressive development of an international framework on migration by sea. Leaving aside historical and social considerations, the thesis aims, first, at assessing the approach developed by Italy during the adoption of the relevant applicable international legal instruments. Secondly, it intends to reconstruct the relevant Italian practice in order to assess whether or not it complies with international legal obligations and its possible impact on the elaboration of an ad hoc international regulation. Preliminary, this doctoral thesis provides an overview of the most relevant provisions on jurisdiction over maritime zones (internal waters, territorial waters, contiguous zone, high seas) and on related coercive powers as set out by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. From the substantial point of view, the present work starts from the assumption that migration by sea constitutes a phenomenon that needs to be dealt with on two intertwined levels. The first, is the control measures which might be implemented by destination States in order to prevent and face this irregular phenomenon. The second, is those concerning the safety of life at sea and the respect of the fundamental rights of migrants. Against this background, on the one side, it aims at assessing the Italian contribution to the adoption of the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the only international legal instrument addressing migrant smuggling by sea. On the other side, it focuses on safeguard of life at sea, which, besides being a long-established rule of customary law, has found wide recognition in positive international law, as witnessed by several treaties and related instruments. Particular emphasis is placed on the actual degree of implementation of the International Convention on Search and Rescue at Sea in the Mediterranean Basin. Since irregular migration at sea towards Italy plays a key role also in the debate at the European level, the present analysis also investigates the most significant initiatives recently taken within the EU to cope with irregular flows of migrants hailing to the Southern coasts of Europe. Furthermore, at an operational level, after briefly documenting the origins, remit and practices of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the European Union (Frontex), attention is paid to the new system of the European Border and Coast Guard, recently established through the adoption of Regulation No. 2016/1624. In addition, it assess the naval operation of the European Union launched in 2015 (EUNAVFOR MED) with the aim of disrupting the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks in the Southern Central Mediterranean in light of the international obligations to protect the fundamental rights of migrants. Finally, on a national level, attention is paid to the recent case law developed by the Italian courts and to the relevant practice on migration by sea, both in terms of prevention and suppression of smuggling and protection of fundamental rights of migrants.

Alla luce dei copiosi flussi migratori per via marittima che interessano il Mar Mediterraneo, la presente tesi di dottorato mira ad analizzare il ruolo dell’Italia nello sviluppo progressivo di una normativa internazionale in materia di immigrazione via mare. L’elaborato si prefigge di esaminare, da un lato, l’approccio dell’Italia nella fase di elaborazione e di adozione dei differenti strumenti giuridici internazionali che, allo stato, regolamentano il fenomeno; dall’altro, di analizzare la recente prassi italiana al fine di valutarne la conformità rispetto agli obblighi sovranazionali, nonché il possibile impatto sull’elaborazione di una normativa internazionale in materia. Posto che la fase di transito avviene in mare, la tesi esamina in via preliminare gli istituti previsti dal diritto del mare, come codificato nella Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sul diritto del mare, che rilevano nelle differenti zone marittime. La presente analisi muove dalla considerazione che il fenomeno migratorio per via marittima richiede di essere affrontato rispetto a un duplice ordine di esigenze inscindibilmente connesse. Esse riguardano, da un lato, le misure di contrasto e di controllo che gli Stati possono adottare per eventualmente prevenirlo e fronteggiarlo; dall’altro, quelle relative alla salvaguardia della vita in mare e al rispetto dei diritti fondamentali dei migranti. Sul piano sostanziale la ricerca ruota, dunque, attorno a due differenti poli. Un primo polo è costituito dall’esame del contributo italiano all’elaborazione e all’adozione dell’unico strumento a portata universale in materia di contrasto al traffico di migranti via mare, il Protocollo alla Convenzione contro il crimine transnazionale organizzato relativo al traffico di migranti per via terrestre, aerea e marittima. In un’ottica di tutela dei diritti fondamentali dei migranti, il secondo polo di indagine verte, invece, sull’obbligo di prestare soccorso e di salvaguardare la vita umana in mare, che, oltre ad avere carattere consuetudinario, costituisce oggetto di specifiche convenzioni. Nello specifico, l’elaborato esamina in dettaglio le modalità attraverso le quali viene data attuazione alla Convenzione internazionale sulla ricerca e il soccorso in mare nel Mar Mediterraneo. In seguito, posto che il fenomeno migratorio via mare diretto verso l’Italia ha assunto, altresì, un ruolo centrale a livello europeo, la presente tesi esamina i rapporti internazionali aventi quali attori principali l’Italia e l’Unione europea. Dapprima, si intende analizzare le più significative iniziative intraprese in seno all’Unione europea per far fronte ai flussi migratori per via marittima diretti verso le coste meridionali dell’Europa. In secondo luogo, su un piano di carattere eminentemente pratico, dopo aver ripercorso le origini e ricostruito l’assetto istituzionale e operativo dell’Agenzia europea per la gestione della cooperazione internazionale alle frontiere esterne degli Stati membri dell'Unione europea (Frontex), l’attenzione è posta sull’attuale sistema della Guardia di frontiera e costiera europea, recentemente istituito attraverso l’adozione del regolamento n. 2016/1624. Infine, l’elaborato esamina l’approccio militarista adottato dall’Unione europea nel Mar Mediterraneo per contrastare i fenomeni di smuggling e trafficking provenienti dalla Libia, al fine di valutarne la compatibilità rispetto agli standard internazionali di tutela dei diritti umani dei migranti. Da ultimo, su di un piano strettamente nazionale, lo scritto analizza la più recente giurisprudenza e la prassi italiana in materia di immigrazione irregolare via mare, sia per quanto concerne la prevenzione e la repressione del connesso fenomeno di smuggling sia per quanto attiene lo svolgimento di operazioni a carattere nazionale finalizzate a condurre attività di soccorso in mare.

(2017). Verso una disciplina internazionale dell'immigrazione via mare: il ruolo dell'Italia. (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2017).

Verso una disciplina internazionale dell'immigrazione via mare: il ruolo dell'Italia



In light of conspicuous flows of migrants by sea through the Mediterranean Sea, the present doctoral thesis aims at analyzing the role of Italy in the progressive development of an international framework on migration by sea. Leaving aside historical and social considerations, the thesis aims, first, at assessing the approach developed by Italy during the adoption of the relevant applicable international legal instruments. Secondly, it intends to reconstruct the relevant Italian practice in order to assess whether or not it complies with international legal obligations and its possible impact on the elaboration of an ad hoc international regulation. Preliminary, this doctoral thesis provides an overview of the most relevant provisions on jurisdiction over maritime zones (internal waters, territorial waters, contiguous zone, high seas) and on related coercive powers as set out by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. From the substantial point of view, the present work starts from the assumption that migration by sea constitutes a phenomenon that needs to be dealt with on two intertwined levels. The first, is the control measures which might be implemented by destination States in order to prevent and face this irregular phenomenon. The second, is those concerning the safety of life at sea and the respect of the fundamental rights of migrants. Against this background, on the one side, it aims at assessing the Italian contribution to the adoption of the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the only international legal instrument addressing migrant smuggling by sea. On the other side, it focuses on safeguard of life at sea, which, besides being a long-established rule of customary law, has found wide recognition in positive international law, as witnessed by several treaties and related instruments. Particular emphasis is placed on the actual degree of implementation of the International Convention on Search and Rescue at Sea in the Mediterranean Basin. Since irregular migration at sea towards Italy plays a key role also in the debate at the European level, the present analysis also investigates the most significant initiatives recently taken within the EU to cope with irregular flows of migrants hailing to the Southern coasts of Europe. Furthermore, at an operational level, after briefly documenting the origins, remit and practices of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the European Union (Frontex), attention is paid to the new system of the European Border and Coast Guard, recently established through the adoption of Regulation No. 2016/1624. In addition, it assess the naval operation of the European Union launched in 2015 (EUNAVFOR MED) with the aim of disrupting the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks in the Southern Central Mediterranean in light of the international obligations to protect the fundamental rights of migrants. Finally, on a national level, attention is paid to the recent case law developed by the Italian courts and to the relevant practice on migration by sea, both in terms of prevention and suppression of smuggling and protection of fundamental rights of migrants.
immigrazione; via; mare;; Italia;; Mediterraneo
migration; by; sea;; Italy;; Mediterraneo
(2017). Verso una disciplina internazionale dell'immigrazione via mare: il ruolo dell'Italia. (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2017).
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