Gesto, movimento, percezione. Alcune pratiche ed esperienze di educazione al patrimonio culturale tra Spagna e Italia
2024 De Nicola, A; García-Sottile, M; Gómez-Lozano, S
Bicocca: l’università, il quartiere. Storia di un’esperienza pluriennale tra esplorazione, accoglienza e cittadinanza
2024 Zuccoli, F; De Nicola, A
The mechanisms underpinning the slow component of V˙ O 2 in humans
2024 Tam, E; Nardon, M; Bertucco, M; Capelli, C
A cavallo tra oralità, narrazione e identità: The Giufà Project, quando il laboratorio teatrale crea nuove comunità educanti tra intercultura e intergenerazionalità. Between orality, narrative, and identity: The Giufà Project, when the theater workshop creates new intercultural and intergenerational educational communities.
2024 De Nicola, A; Fatini, L
Kinematics but not kinetics alterations to single-leg drop jump movements following a subject-tailored fatiguing protocol suggest an increased risk of ACL injury
2024 Nardon, M; Ferri, U; Caffi, G; Bartesaghi, M; Perin, C; Zaza, A; Alessandro, C
Image and Choreography. Transmitting to Replicate, Transferring to Create
2023 Garcia-Sottile, M; Gomez-Lozano, S; De Nicola, A
Clandestine Word. Images of Gesture Among the Arts: Pretexts and Reflections Between ImageXtext, Choreographic Notations and Didactic Transpositions
2023 De Nicola, A
2023 De Nicola, A; Sottile, M; Lozano, S
Motor unit-based synergies in a non-compartmentalized muscle
2023 Ricotta, J; Nardon, M; De, S; Jiang, J; Graziani, W; Latash, M
Assessing the cardiac autonomic response to bicycle exercise in Olympic athletes with different loads of endurance training: new insights from statistical indicators based on multilevel exploratory factor analysis
2023 Solaro, N; Pagani, M; Spataro, A; Lucini, D
Psychological Intervention Based on Mental Relaxation to Manage Stress in Female Junior Elite Soccer Team: Improvement in Cardiac Autonomic Control, Perception of Stress and Overall Health
2023 Pagani, E; Gavazzoni, N; Bernardelli, G; Malacarne, M; Solaro, N; Giusti, E; Castelnuovo, G; Volpi, P; Carimati, G; Lucini, D
Response to: Dealing with menstrual cycle in sport: stop finding excuses to exclude women from research
2022 Nardon, M; Venturelli, M; Ruzzante, F; Longo, V; Bertucco, M
Synergies Stabilizing Vertical Posture in Spaces of Control Variables
2022 Nardon, M; Pascucci, F; Cesari, P; Bertucco, M; Latash, M
Fasting-Mimicking-Diet does not reduce skeletal muscle function in healthy young adults: a randomized control trial
2022 Nardon, M; Venturelli, M; Ruzzante, F; Longo, V; Bertucco, M
Relationship between Body Composition and Cardiac Autonomic Regulation in a Large Population of Italian Olympic Athletes
2022 Lucini, D; Spataro, A; Giovanelli, L; Malacarne, M; Spada, R; Parati, G; Solaro, N; Pagani, M
Energetics of walking in individuals with cerebral palsy and typical development, across severity and age: A systematic review and meta-analysis
2021 Nardon, M; Ruzzante, F; O'Donnell, L; Adami, A; Dayanidhi, S; Bertucco, M
Altered Cardiac Autonomic Regulation in Overweight and Obese Subjects: The Role of Age-and-Gender-Adjusted Statistical Indicators of Heart Rate Variability and Cardiac Baroreflex
2021 Solaro, N; Pagani, M; Lucini, D
Cardiac baroreflex, HRV, and statistics: An interdisciplinary approach in hypertension
2019 Solaro, N; Malacarne, M; Pagani, M; Lucini, D
The drawing of choreographers as performances in museum space. Ideas and excuses for heritage education
2019 De Nicola, A; Garcia Sottile, M; Lozano, S
Vibro-tactile EMG-based biofeedback induces changes of muscle activity patterns in childhood dystonia
2019 Bertucco, M; Lunardini, F; Nardon, M; Casellato, C; Pedrocchi, A; Sanger, T
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