“Three-dimensional study of the atmospheric heating rate from Equator to the Arctic”
2024 Losi, N
To tree or not to tree? Integrating LCA and ecosystem services to evaluate the sustainability of phytoremediation
2024 Favaretto, L; Guidi Nissim, W; Labra, M
Field evaluation of low-cost Alphasense OPC-N3 during urban regeneration activities: the case of MUSA Open-air laboratory at University of Milano-Bicocca
2024 Doldi, A; Pagliarulo, L; Cerri, S; Cefali, A; Maroni, P; Giovanazzi, L; Losi, N; Ferrero, L
Multi-year gradient measurements of sea spray fluxes over the Baltic Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean
2024 Markuszewski, P; Nilsson, E; Zinke, J; Mårtensson, E; Salter, M; Makuch, P; Kitowska, M; Niedźwiecka-Wróbel, I; Drozdowska, V; Lis, D; Petelski, T; Ferrero, L; Piskozub, J
Physico-Chemical Characterization of Emissions from Braking Operation
2023 Mancini, A
On the Chemical Composition and Hygroscopicity of Aerosols Deposited on the Insulators of Italian Power Lines
2023 Gini, I; Balzarini, A; Pirovano, G; Toppetti, A; Fialdini, L; Omodeo, P; Pirovano, G; Marzinotto, M; Mancini, A; Losi, N; Cefali, A; Doldi, A; Bolzacchini, E; Ferrero, L
Aerosol absorption using in situ filter-based photometers and ground-based sun photometry in the Po Valley urban atmosphere
2023 Bigi, A; Veratti, G; Andrews, E; Collaud Coen, M; Guerrieri, L; Bernardoni, V; Massabo, D; Ferrero, L; Teggi, S; Ghermandi, G
Levelling-up rhodolith-bed science to address global-scale conservation challenges
2023 Tuya, F; Schubert, N; Aguirre, J; Basso, D; Bastos, E; Berchez, F; Bernardino, A; Bosch, N; Burdett, H; Espino, F; Fernández-Gárcia, C; Francini-Filho, R; Gagnon, P; Hall-Spencer, J; Haroun, R; Hofmann, L; Horta, P; Kamenos, N; Le Gall, L; Magris, R; Martin, S; Nelson, W; Neves, P; Olivé, I; Otero-Ferrer, F; Peña, V; Pereira-Filho, G; Ragazzola, F; Rebelo, A; Ribeiro, C; Rinde, E; Schoenrock, K; Silva, J; Sissini, M; Tâmega, F
Microwave-assisted brucite and talc reactions with CO2 as a proxy for Carbon Capture and Storage by Serpentine
2022 Corti, M; Maroni, P; Militello, G; Yivlialin, R; Campione, M; Lucotti, A; Bussetti, G; Capitani, G; Cavallo, A; Malaspina, N
Airborne and marine microplastics from an oceanographic survey at the Baltic Sea: An emerging role of air-sea interaction?
2022 Ferrero, L; Scibetta, L; Markuszewski, P; Mazurkiewicz, M; Drozdowska, V; Makuch, P; Jutrzenka-Trzebiatowska, P; Zaleska-Medynska, A; Andò, S; Saliu, F; Nilsson, D; Bolzacchini, E
Industrial symbiosis potential on specific agri-food and metallurgical value chains in Lombardy region
2022 Sbaffoni, S; Beltrani, T; Marco, E; Vahizadeh, R; Mastella, L; Cutaia, L; Bertanza, G; Branduardi, P; Tovar, F; Franzetti, A; Vaccari, M
Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper”: a case study to evaluate the influence of visitors on the Museum preservation systems
2022 Motta, O; Pironti, C; Ricciardi, M; Rostagno, C; Bolzacchini, E; Ferrero, L; Cucciniello, R; Proto, A
Vertical profile of the clear-sky aerosol direct radiative effect in an Alpine valley, by the synergy of ground-based measurements and radiative transfer simulations
2021 Fasano, G; Diémoz, H; Fountoulakis, I; Cassardo, C; Kudo, R; Siani, A; Ferrero, L
Characteristics and extent of particulate matter emissions of a ropeway public mobility system in the city center of perugia (Central italy)
2021 Moroni, B; Crocchianti, S; Bruschi, F; Petroselli, C; Di Menno Di Bucchianico, A; Cattani, G; Ferrero, L; Cappelletti, D
Applicability of benchtop multi-wavelength polar photometers to off-line measurements of the Multi-Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP) samples
2021 Valentini, S; Bernardoni, V; Bolzacchini, E; Ciniglia, D; Ferrero, L; Forello, A; Massabo, D; Pandolfi, M; Prati, P; Soldan, F; Valli, G; Yus-Diez, J; Alastuey, A; Vecchi, R
Abundance of Environmental Data vs. Low Public Interest in Climate and Ocean Issues. Where Is the Missing Link?
2021 Zielinski, T; Bolzacchini, E; Evans, K; Ferrero, L; Gregorczyk, K; Kijewski, T; Kotynska-Zielinska, I; Mrowiec, P; Oleszczuk, B; Pakszys, P; Piechowska, E; Piwowarczyk, J; Sobieszczanski, J; Wichorowski, M
Consistent determination of the heating rate of light-absorbing aerosol using wavelength- and time-dependent Aethalometer multiple-scattering correction
2021 Ferrero, L; Bernardoni, V; Santagostini, L; Cogliati, S; Soldan, F; Valentini, S; Massabo, D; Mocnik, G; Gregoric, A; Rigler, M; Prati, P; Bigogno, A; Losi, N; Valli, G; Vecchi, R; Bolzacchini, E
2021 Stevens, B; Bony, S; Farrell, D; Ament, F; Blyth, A; Fairall, C; Karstensen, J; Quinn, P; Speich, S; Acquistapace, C; Aemisegger, F; Albright, A; Bellenger, H; Bodenschatz, E; Caesar, K; Chewitt-Lucas, R; De Boer, G; Delanoe, J; Denby, L; Ewald, F; Fildier, B; Forde, M; George, G; Gross, S; Hagen, M; Hausold, A; Heywood, K; Hirsch, L; Jacob, M; Jansen, F; Kinne, S; Klocke, D; Kolling, T; Konow, H; Lothon, M; Mohr, W; Naumann, A; Nuijens, L; Olivier, L; Pincus, R; Pohlker, M; Reverdin, G; Roberts, G; Schnitt, S; Schulz, H; Pier Siebesma, A; Stephan, C; Sullivan, P; Touze-Peiffer, L; Vial, J; Vogel, R; Zuidema, P; Alexander, N; Alves, L; Arixi, S; Asmath, H; Bagheri, G; Baier, K; Bailey, A; Baranowski, D; Baron, A; Barrau, S; Barrett, P; Batier, F; Behrendt, A; Bendinger, A; Beucher, F; Bigorre, S; Blades, E; Blossey, P; Bock, O; Boing, S; Bosser, P; Bourras, D; Bouruet-Aubertot, P; Bower, K; Branellec, P; Branger, H; Brennek, M; Brewer, A; Brilouet, P; Brugmann, B; Buehler, S; Burke, E; Burton, R; Calmer, R; Canonici, J; Carton, X; Cato, G; Charles, J; Chazette, P; Chen, Y; Chilinski, M; Choularton, T; Chuang, P; Clarke, S; Coe, H; Cornet, C; Coutris, P; Couvreux, F; Crewell, S; Cronin, T; Cui, Z; Cuypers, Y; Daley, A; Damerell, G; Dauhut, T; Deneke, H; Desbios, J; Dorner, S; Donner, S; Douet, V; Drushka, K; Dutsch, M; Ehrlich, A; Emanuel, K; Emmanouilidis, A; Etienne, J; Etienne-Leblanc, S; Faure, G; Feingold, G; Ferrero, L; Fix, A; Flamant, C; Flatau, P; Foltz, G; Forster, L; Furtuna, I; Gadian, A; Galewsky, J; Gallagher, M; Gallimore, P; Gaston, C; Gentemann, C; Geyskens, N; Giez, A; Gollop, J; Gouirand, I; Gourbeyre, C; De Graaf, D; De Groot, G; Grosz, R; Guttler, J; Gutleben, M; Hall, K; Harris, G; Helfer, K; Henze, D; Herbert, C; Holanda, B; Ibanez-Landeta, A; Intrieri, J; Iyer, S; Julien, F; Kalesse, H; Kazil, J; Kellman, A; Kidane, A; Kirchner, U; Klingebiel, M; Korner, M; Kremper, L; Kretzschmar, J; Kruger, O; Kumala, W; Kurz, A; L'Hegaret, P; Labaste, M; Lachlan-Cope, T; Laing, A; Landschutzer, P; Lang, T; Lange, D; Lange, I; Laplace, C; Lavik, G; Laxenaire, R; Lebihan, C; Leandro, M; Lefevre, N; Lena, M; Lenschow, D; Li, Q; Lloyd, G; Los, S; Losi, N; Lovell, O; Luneau, C; Makuch, P; Malinowski, S; Manta, G; Marinou, E; Marsden, N; Masson, S; Maury, N; Mayer, B; Mayers-Als, M; Mazel, C; Mcgeary, W; Mcwilliams, J; Mech, M; Mehlmann, M; Meroni, A; Mieslinger, T; Minikin, A; Minnett, P; Moller, G; Avalos, Y; Muller, C; Musat, I; Napoli, A; Neuberger, A; Noisel, C; Noone, D; Nordsiek, F; Nowak, J; Oswald, L; Parker, D; Peck, C; Person, R; Philippi, M; Plueddemann, A; Pohlker, C; Portge, V; Poschl, U; Pologne, L; Posyniak, M; Prange, M; Melendez, E; Radtke, J; Ramage, K; Reimann, J; Renault, L; Reus, K; Reyes, A; Ribbe, J; Ringel, M; Ritschel, M; Rocha, C; Rochetin, N; Rottenbacher, J; Rollo, C; Royer, H; Sadoulet, P; Saffin, L; Sandiford, S; Sandu, I; Schafer, M; Schemann, V; Schirmacher, I; Schlenczek, O; Schmidt, J; Schroder, M; Schwarzenboeck, A; Sealy, A; Senff, C; Serikov, I; Shohan, S; Siddle, E; Smirnov, A; Spath, F; Spooner, B; Katharina Stolla, M; Szkolka, W; De Szoeke, S; Tarot, S; Tetoni, E; Thompson, E; Thomson, J; Tomassini, L; Totems, J; Ubele, A; Villiger, L; Von Arx, J; Wagner, T; Walther, A; Webber, B; Wendisch, M; Whitehall, S; Wiltshire, A; Wing, A; Wirth, M; Wiskandt, J; Wolf, K; Worbes, L; Wright, E; Wulfmeyer, V; Young, S; Zhang, C; Zhang, D; Ziemen, F; Zinner, T; Zoger, M
Determination of Aethalometer multiple-scattering enhancement parameters and impact on source apportionment during the winter 2017/18 EMEP/ACTRIS/COLOSSAL campaign in Milan
2021 Bernardoni, V; Ferrero, L; Bolzacchini, E; Corina Forello, A; Gregoric, A; Massabo, D; Mocnik, G; Prati, P; Rigler, M; Santagostini, L; Soldan, F; Valentini, S; Valli, G; Vecchi, R
The impact of cloudiness and cloud type on the atmospheric heating rate of black and brown carbon in the Po Valley
2021 Ferrero, L; Gregoric, A; Mocnik, G; Rigler, M; Cogliati, S; Barnaba, F; Di Liberto, L; Paolo Gobbi, G; Losi, N; Bolzacchini, E
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